The Indian prime minister, V.P. Singh, lost a vote of confidence in the Indian parliament.
As an expression of confidence in the future, members will vote on a plan to float the exchange itself later this year.
If Mr Aquino would take this as a vote of confidence in his nascent stand, he could do lasting good.
Mr Berlusconi may prefer to soldier on to a confidence vote later this week, in the hope of making those deputies in his party who refused to back him today an offer they cannot refuse.
Although our survey results are a qualitative assess-ment rather than a budget estimate, they nevertheless demonstrate a remarkable vote of confidence in the cloud by adopters.
Rather they are a vote of confidence, sometimes in rather obscure people, that with a serious infusion of funding their next projects could proceed in very interesting directions.
That ringing vote of confidence prompted a few expats I know to — in 'a certain, managed manner' — grab the phone and make plane reservations to get the hell out of here.
Berlusconi decided to seek a vote of confidence after losing a crucial division on the public accounts earlier this week.
Papandreou was reported to have later indicated he could step down even if he won today's knife-edge vote of confidence in parliament.
We're pleased that our original series a investor and new series B investors have given us a vote of confidence on our series a performance!
But they don't understand that their help isn't always helpful; that sometimes what you want is simply to be heard and understood or given a vote of confidence that you can solve your own problems.
It has welcomed the presence of foreign investors, by and large, as a vote of confidence in the country's business climate.
These sorts of comments are a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy, an effective vote of no confidence that tells the market that Portugal can't go on without a bailout.
Mr Annan has apparently ruled out a recount of the vote on the ground that Kenyans have lost confidence in their electoral commission.
Stempel remained in place as chairman and CEO, but had effectively been given a vote of no confidence.
But Mr Buffett has issued a much-needed vote of confidence in the firm and its embattled chief executive, Jeffrey Immelt.
Initially the euro rallied, but haphazard efforts to shore up Banks, and later the economy, undid that early vote of confidence.
A first hurdle was a vote of confidence to endorse Mr Papandreou's proposed plebiscite.
If Papandreou survives a vote of no confidence Friday, the stage will be set for months of further market instability.
India's Congress party-led government has survived a vote of confidence over a civilian nuclear deal with the US.
It is now worth more than its American namesake—a vote of confidence in an economy that seems set to stay strong. And that is because of the demand for Australia’s minerals.
In Veritocracy's system, this is a vote of confidence, both in the quality of the story and the quality of the source.
Questions grew over Silvio Berlusconi's ability to hold his coalition together, after he only narrowly won a vote of confidence in the lower house of Italy's parliament. See article.
A vote of confidence will be held on December 14th; Mr Berlusconi has said that Italy will face fresh elections if he loses.
The New Deal is a mutual vote of confidence, says Lucy Haskins of Barclays Capital, an investment bank.
That more than half of the money allocated in July by the SIF came from philanthropic foundations was an important vote of confidence.
SIF 7月份的拨款中有超过一半都来自慈善组织,就是一次重大的信任投票的结果。
That more than half of the money allocated in July by the SIF came from philanthropic foundations was an important vote of confidence.
SIF 7月份的拨款中有超过一半都来自慈善组织,就是一次重大的信任投票的结果。