A few minutes later, Tom was in the shoal water of the bar, wading toward the Illinois shore.
At the end of half an hour, they were wading through the tall grass of the graveyard.
Although only a research project at this stage, the request has raised the prospect of regulators wading into early-stage tech markets that until now have been beyond their reach.
The man tucked up his trousers for wading.
He enjoys wading through classical Chinese poetry.
He was wading through page after page of boring statistics.
It's no longer just a man with a bow and arrow wading through the bush.
We have been wading through stacks of old records looking for information.
Celine Dion horses around on the beach, and later plays the wading game with son.
Two endangered species of wading bird face extinction because of the changes.
Wary of wading into further Middle Eastern misadventures the Americans have said no.
One man even ended up stuck in wet concrete after wading in to pick up a stray biscuit.
Two surfers in wetsuits were already wading into the blue Mediterranean with their boards.
We fished from the rafts as well as by wading in the crystal clear waters of the Delger river.
The extremely salty, alkali lake holds little life, but its waters are a favorite spot for wading birds.
There may be better beaches for body surfing, but this was on the very high end of swimming and wading spots.
They had to edge their way along this, sometimes wading across shallow streams, or swimming across deep pools.
They say ducks, swans, geese and other wading birds cannot afford to waste energy that they cannot readily replace.
But I've been wading through all the nonstop commentary over the last few weeks and I've made a startling discovery.
The containers can be almost anything: ready-made planters; boxes made of reclaimed wood, old milk cartons, children's wading pools.
I was in Turkey, wading in the Euphrates, taping a show about the Garden of Eden, when Lindaproposed that one of our girls be named Eden.
Take pity on your grader, who is facing a huge stack of exams and would likely prefer shoveling coal to wading through the paper pile.
It organizes and highlights the information you need to know about so you don't have to spend time wading through your kid's ramblings.
Imagine Silicon Valley in 1999 times a huge sprawling country and population, and that? S what I? M wading into for the next two weeks.
I was in Turkey,wading in the Euphrates, taping a show about the Garden of Eden, when Linda proposed that one of our girls be named Eden.
有次我去土耳其,穿过幼发拉底河,制作一个名为伊甸园的节目(Garden ofEden),那时琳达就提议给其中一个女孩起名为艾登(Eden)。
I was in Turkey,wading in the Euphrates, taping a show about the Garden of Eden, when Linda proposed that one of our girls be named Eden.
有次我去土耳其,穿过幼发拉底河,制作一个名为伊甸园的节目(Garden ofEden),那时琳达就提议给其中一个女孩起名为艾登(Eden)。