Other experts were taking a wait-and-see attitude.
Some such as Hu Jiansing, a 25-year-old plastics factory worker, were taking a wait-and-see attitude.
If buyers who are used to prices moving only upward adopt a wait-and-see attitude, then sales volumes will fall.
This point, the seller's asking price to continue rising, and the buyer holds a more wait-and-see attitude, turnover from sliding further.
However, in a policy of the effect is uncertain, the majority of owner-occupier is reasonable to think that the choice of a wait-and-see attitude.
Main is dyed cotton and long vehicles, under the influence of rapid rise in cotton prices, clothing industry, and is still adopted a wait-and-see attitude.
Some in the United States, such as Ke Zhang, who works for a hedge fund after being laid off from Lehman Brothers earlier this year, are taking a wait-and-see attitude.
Certification activity slowed down in anticipation of the forthcoming new edition of ISO 9001, with organizations adopting a "wait and see" attitude, as many did in the run-up to the 2000 edition.
认证活动放缓的另一个原因是出于对ISO 9001即将发布的新版本的预期,许多组织采取了“等待观望”的态度,就像2000版本发布前那样。
Rottweiler is self - confident and responds quietly and with a wait - and - see attitude to influences in his environment.
A bad relationship is worse than not being in one at all so enjoy your friends and take a wait and see attitude to love.
Some who oppose the unhealthy culture choose to be silent for fear of losing future grant opportunities. Others who want change take the attitude of "wait and see," rather than risk a losing battle.
Contributing factors included the depreciation of currencies in neighbouring economies, the fading '1997' appeal and a 'wait-and-see' attitude.
Contributing factors included the depreciation of currencies in neighbouring economies, the fading '1997' appeal and a 'wait-and-see' attitude.