You have to wait for the speaker to deliver quite a chunk of language before you then put it into the second language, which puts your short-term memory under intense stress.
A full moon in the second house, as you have on May 9, could burn a hole in your pocket, but with Mercury retrograde, you will be sorry if you buy your pricey item now - wait.
In both of these functions, if you want to wait for a finite time, you can specify the time interval in the second parameter.
So, first the page comes up with an empty box, then you wait a second, and boom: the content comes in.
Wait a second, you might be thinking, what if that supply is more than matched by an increase in demand?
And if the us either defaults on debt or allows the dollar to depreciate, the rest of the world is going to say, 'Wait a second, you just screwed us.'
Content assist displays when, by default, you type a period and wait half a second, or you press Ctrl + space.
默认情况下,当键入句点并等待半秒钟或者按下ctrl + space,将显示内容帮助。
Even though they are generally fast, it still takes a second or so to compile your code to CSS, which you have to wait for before previewing its result.
Wait a second, PLS. Yes, Mr. Lee, we have a room reserved for you. How long do you plan to stay?
This affair isn't to play trick, we fours Be still not easy to come out, wait for a second to give you the whole son to knock down reef up, feed fish together.
Clerk: Wait a second, please. (Checking the computer.) Yes, Mrs. Brown, we have a room reserved for you. How long do you plan to stay?
The crow is urging you, feed it first to eat! Wait for a second me to have words to say with you.
Wait a second time for a response. If you still do not receive an answer open the door slightly and repeat 'Housekeeping'.
FIX: problems in the 2-floor apartment with the second PC -you probably have to wait 2 weeks until the option of a new PC shows up.
You must click and drag to select a section of text, wait a second or so and click, then drag to move it.
You must click and drag to select a section of text, wait a second or so and click, then drag to move it.