Hadn't we better wait up for the slower ones?
John told his parents not to wait up for him. He might stay with his uncle.
Santa baby, a '54 convertible too... light blue; I'll wait up for you, dear. Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight.
In our lives, we tend to forget our parent's feelings. No matter when and no matter whether we realize it, they wait up for their children in the warm house.
Instead of writing a check or looking for a credit card while I am ringing up the groceries, my customers will wait until I announce the total.
In other words, don't wait for your company to give you the green light to dream up new ideas — just do it.
The black-market price of petrol is now 30 times more than the official rate at petrol stations, where drivers wait in mile-long queues for up to a week.
Fortunately, I have my own places to hide out while I wait for emotional maturity to show up, which could take a while.
Let's specify 12 default agents and wait for an email that tells us when our grid is up and running.
But my guess is that more often than not, people wait for strangers to scoop up the rest of the deals. That doesn't seem too social.
On November 7th the Bank of Japan's governor, Toshihiko Fukui, gave warning that it would not wait for a build-up in inflation before raising interest rates, now at 0.25%.
When we use it up, we'll have to wait million of years for it to build back up, or figure out some non-prohibitively expensive way to recover it from the atmosphere.
Worried about having to stand up in the aisle in a crowded bus, or to wait hours for the next departure?
Many industries are suffering now, so you might need to wait for things to pick up a bit.
So we wait... and wait... wishing for that magical day when we will wake up inspired, transformed into the person we've always dreamed of being.
With too few computing resources, requests from users must wait for resources to free up or those requests will be rejected until more hardware is added to the environment.
I can’t wait to pick up some new tips (and inspiration) for lightening my load even more!
Instead of holding back a release to wait for a subproject, each individual subproject must sign up to predetermined release date.
This has the potential of tying up server-side resources, because components must wait for messages to be received.
Since they're already open, you don't have to wait for them to start up again with each switch.
They don't sit in the spot where they found food yesterday and wait for more food to show up there today.
Give up blaming, and don't wait for history to change or for the offender to apologize.
Or were the platitudes in his Inaugural Address a sign that he’ll wait for the conventional wisdom to catch up with events?
Also, this helps smooth out bus contention issues — when the bus is full, the program can process the extra buffers rather than wait for the bus to free up.
For them there is no nightlife to speak of, no bright lights, no excitement and they cannot wait to grow up and leave for the urban attractions of the big cities.
Its no longer the case that somebody can sit, walled up in their castle and wait for the enemy to go away.
Its no longer the case that somebody can sit, walled up in their castle and wait for the enemy to go away.