And then he goes: "actually the only people who walk on water around here are pilots".
Decide that nothing can stop you. - Being born to walk on water isn't enough by itself.
No one doubts that Mr Obama can walk on water. (Washington was frozen over this week.)
And still, some of us were born to walk on water... to invent the capability of doing so.
Remarkable slow-motion footage has been taken of two lizards that seem to do the impossible - walk on water.
Thousands of people stepped out onto artist Christo Javacheff's latest work in northern Italy, seizing the chance to "walk on water".
For additional advice on doing the impossible, I recommend reading (or rereading) Marc and Angel's excellent post "How to Walk on Water."
Frayne's award-winning show documents the tricks he has up his sleeve- from his mesmerising sleight of hand to his ability to walk on water.
The research on robot walking on water surface is developing a novel bionic based on the basic principle that water strider can walk on water surface.
Let the whole world know what you're up to. - When you're trying to walk on water, or do anything that nobody else has done before, life can get lonely pretty quickly.
The visitors walk in the ball, ball at aquatic swim, brave the wind and waves, get adrift, the reality realizes the martial wood of "walk on water" to go to high state.
"Our research group studies a lot of biologically inspired fluid mechanics problems, such as how snails use slime for locomotion, or how water striders walk on water, " Nasto says.
The characteristic research and realization on bionic mechanical water strider is developing a novel bionic based on the basic principle that water strider can walk on water surface.
By controlling the nerve-currents that govern the lungs and the upper part of the body, the yogi can walk on water and swamps, or on thorns and similar objects, and he can die at will.
On average, African and Asian women walk some 3.7 miles (6 kilometers) a day to fetch clean water.
You should also be careful to never walk barefoot on a beach or around the shores of a body of water.
The water it is going to have to walk on over the next decade is going to be choppy.
But for each of us, our environment is literally what surrounds us: the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we walk on.
These large animals do destroy crops when they come out of the water. At night they walk about and eat vegetation on land.
I spill water from my water jar as I walk on my way. Very little remains for my home.
All the way walk a road, the road ahead, far is a light that shines on, looking back, and both sides of mountains and blue water.
When you walk on the streets, sometimes, some local teenagers may make rude, insulting gestures towards you or throw a rubber ball containing water at you.
The exhibition space with sloping roof, constructed by modern wood frame, is on the right side when visitors walk into the water courtyard.
You can also "take a walk" underwater or perform calisthenics like leg lifts or arm circles. Research shows that water actually offers an equal aerobic workout in less time than one on dry land.
You can also "take a walk" underwater or perform calisthenics like leg lifts or arm circles. Research shows that water actually offers an equal aerobic workout in less time than one on dry land.