You are never alone, you are never asked to walk this path in darkness on your own dearest ones for the angelic realms walk beside you at every step.
Last night, I walk quietly in the road, alone Dizhaotou quietly in the noisy walk on the road, but it is a quiet mind, never had the silence and Enron.
"We cannot walk alone, " the preacher cried. "And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead. We cannot turn back. "
Anyway, to quote somebody, when someone asked this question to Gautama, the Buddha. Gautama said, it's better to walk alone than to walk with a fool.
引用某人的话, 曾有人拿这个问题去问乔达摩佛陀,乔达摩说:“与其和愚者同行,不如自己独行。”
You'll never walk alone When you walk through a storm, Hold your head up high, And don't be afraid of the dark.
You'll never walk alone When you walk through a storm, Hold your head up high, And don't be afraid of the dark.