Feeny was hardly alone in his aspirations to become an astronaut but, unlike the millions of kids who dream of walking in space, Feeny is actually doing something about it.
If hundreds of people are walking in a confined space, and some happen to walk in step, they can generate enough lateral momentum to move a footbridge-just a little.
There are thousands of pieces of debris floating around in orbit, bits of old satellite or rocket even tools dropped in the past by space-walking astronauts.
Rather than just walking in, people will enter a space and be able to play with something.
Until you are walking on water, you are still believing heavily in the limits of time and space.
Walking space is the most popularity place in residential area for its openness and sharing, and it is an important standard for weighting life, landscape and environment quality in residential area.
City squares, pedestrian streets and other typical urban construction of public space are much concern with, but the walking space that more closely linked to daily life is rare interested in.
Finally, by analyzing the representative examples in our country, the support for systematic design and construction about community walking space was achieved.
And look into space; you shall see Him walking in the cloud, outstretching His arms in the lightning and descending in rain.
To conduct space software reliability measure by using the third party test data fully, this paper studies the application of walking through data in software reliability measure.
The chapel in which visitors arrived after walking past the interior path was a layered space where the structure and the interior finish were devided.
Michael's classic dance likes walking in the outer space, we can see many people imitate him all the time.
This article discusses the image processing problems and algorithms of walking through in panoramic based virtual space, then designs and implements a high performance multithread wandering algorithm.
Keto found that it has become crowded in her small space, with many people walking up and down it. Their eyes wide open, watching her. But she can't understand them.
Remember, your game will be shown in a loud, busy, public space. People will be walking by, their attention will be split between dozens of distractions. Some tips.
Inspired by the image of walking into a white cloud, we designed a collection of Spaces defined by soft curving walls in order to dissolve the separation between the art, atmosphere, light and space.
This article discusses the image processing problems and algorithms of walking through in panoramic based virtual space, then designs and implements a high performance multithread w...
She is absorbed in them, led into a surreal world and walking into the painting, meanwhile into her own inner world, where time and space are interwoven—blank and vague, immense and delicate.
She is absorbed in them, led into a surreal world and walking into the painting, meanwhile into her own inner world, where time and space are interwoven—blank and vague, immense and delicate.