Maxwell shoved his chair against the wall and transacted business after the manner of a 25 toe dancer. He jumped from ticker to phone, from desk to door with the trained 26 agility of a 27 harlequin.
He mounted the stairs on tip-toe and glided along the wall of the corridor to his chamber.
I gingerly to stand up and embracing the wall, watching, the walk toe, carefully slip up.
Press the big toe of the front foot against the wall and stretch your arms up, finger tips to the wall.
The test results show that the apron can reduce back flow at the dam toe, and the piers can obviously diminish river bed scouring near the scour resistant wall.
Point your foot into the wall and place your big toe directly on the hold (left foot in photo below), resulting in a squared-off stance.
Maxwell shoved his chair against the wall and transacted business after the manner of a toe dancer. He jumped from ticker to phone, from desk to door with the trained agility of a harlequin.
The boulder, rock wall. bottom toe always appear in limestone mine mid deep bench blasting because of bedding, fault, joint and cave.
Overturning refers to the tipping over of the retaining wall as it rotates about the toe of the structure. The overturning force is the sum of each destabilizing force times its moment arm.
Overturning refers to the tipping over of the retaining wall as it rotates about the toe of the structure. The overturning force is the sum of each destabilizing force times its moment arm.