The Lenape used a money system of their own invention called "wampum."
At last, create your wampum by stringing purple and white macaroni.
To make wampum, they sewed tiny black, purple, and white beads made from seashells into belts.
The Indian money was called wampum and consisted of strings of beads made from the shells of clams and other shellfish.
Wampum circulated as legal tender for private debts in Massachusetts until 1661 and was used as money in New York as late as 1701.
Authorities said the boy is the son of the victim's live-in boyfriend at the home in Wampum, about 35 miles northwest of Pittsburgh.
In the American colonies one of the earliest forms of money, borrowed from the indians, was wampum, black and white polished beads made from clam shells.
At one point, the Dutch — eager to improve their profits — produced their own wampum in Holland, hoping to use it back in New Amsterdam to trade with the natives.
At one point, the Dutch — eager to improve their profits — produced their own wampum in Holland, hoping to use it back in New Amsterdam to trade with the natives.