Remember the board which is stuck by a lots of want ad near the canteen of campus?
And global warming AD DIESEL forced people to reflect on this issue, after all, we do not want ads in the scene a reality.
If your product isn't meant to be automated in the customer's environment, then you want a combination of automation, AD hoc, exploratory, and customer scenario testing.
And the charities get to choose whether to receive support from an advertiser... if they don't want a certain AD to appear alongside their brand, it doesn't.
Grab a copy of the AD from our site and print it out, circle what you want and keep it on your side at all times.
Blog networks want writers who can keep the AD revenues coming in. Even some traditional publications want bloggers so they've got content on their websites between issues.
In the AD Cameron says: "So if you're not ready for cosmetic injections, but want dramatically younger-looking skin, try Olay Regenerist with pentapeptides."
Luckily for Melvin, what he had wandered into was something a bit more poignant: the woman who had answered his AD was obese and didn't want Melvin to see her body.
The caveat, of course, is that Rose doesn't want Digg to be a platform where the only discussion involves comments like "that ad sucks."
Each item can be an entry on a weblog, a complete article, a movie review, a classified AD, or whatever you want to syndicate with your channel.
We don't have to ask the user what Congressional rep and senators they want to track, we just look up the location AD are able to immediately show just the delegation that's relevant to the user.
This goes back to what AD man Carl Ally said about creative persons-they want to be know-it-alls.
广告大佬Carl Ally(卡尔。阿奈)曾经说到创造性的思考者——他们想成为万事通。
Users considered their Facebook pages to be private; they didn't want an AD interrupting them as they chatted with friends.
All we had to do for Facebook to create an AD was to enter the URL for the Website we want users to visit.
Perhaps you have found that a particular size ad, page, or on-page location works best for your advertiser and you only want to include that in your media plan.
The purpose of many advertisements is to make consumers want to buy a product so that they will ’be like’ the person in the ad.
If you want to enable a secure, ad-hoc version control workflow, for instance, two guys on a wireless network in a coffee shop, then try out this hack.
Temporary conversion to triples is a great way to do ad-hoc data integration if you want to cross-reference between disparate sources or enhance data from one source with data from another.
This week, I want to explore why those same mechanisms dictate that our search interactions are going to be completely different from engagement with a TV ad or a billboard.
The media gets a hold of a question, and then like sheep all repeat it ad nauseam until we are so sick that we want to jam a needle in our eye.
Then, select the keyword you want to analyze and you'll see how it performed in each ad position for the metric you select.
Google understands what people want, thanks to the proxy of search queries, and Ad Words was built on that knowledge.
Really, if you want to do ad-hoc reporting on your data, Pixie is not the right tool.
A free Craigslist AD is an economical option, particularly if you want to sell your computer locally, which is always easiest.
If you want to see how AD position affected keyword performance, you can use the keyword Positions report to find out.
Our mobileuncle contact, who didn't want to be identified, claims to have spoken to the BlockBerry's maker, which he says provided him with the ad poster and information about the device.
Read the AD bellow and imagine you want one of the jobs at HCS. Write and explain why you are a good person for the job.
Read the AD bellow and imagine you want one of the jobs at HCS. Write and explain why you are a good person for the job.