Love you so I don't want to go to sleep, for reality is better than a dream.
If the review time is 9 PM now, I want to go to sleep, get up early tomorrow.
I want to go to sleep, but it wants to keep me awake rerunning events from my childhood.
I want to go to sleep at night, wake up every day, and breathe knowing you are truly mine.
Try and simplify your bedtime routine. It sounds as if she is too excited and stimulated to want to go to sleep so you need to have a simpler and calmer end to the day.
During your exam period, you want your brain to work at its very best, so build in relaxation time before bed, avoid late night revision sessions and try to go to bed early so you get enough sleep.
If all else fails, initiate a massive argument before you go to sleep, so your partner won't want to be anywhere near you.
Back home, all I want to do is go to bed and sleep, but, of course, I can't.
Once the habit is established, then you can vary your wake-up times or occasionally go without the alarm if you want to sleep in, but until then it's best to keep the pattern very tight.
If you require only 6 hours of sleep to feel refreshed and you want to wake at 5 then try heading to bed at 11:00 and see how you go.
Two-eyes now awakened One-eye, and said, "One-eye, you want to take care of the goat, and go to sleep while you are doing it, and in the meantime the goat might run all over the world.
By the summer of 2009, he says, "I was getting to the end of a performance and I'd just want to curl up under the table and go to sleep."
I also want to listen carefully in class, good thinking. But the reality is that classes go to sleep.
Some nights I can't even sleep. I want to wake up so badly and go to work.
That is largely because people reveal much more about themselves on their phones than they do on computers, from where they go and when they sleep to whom they talk to and what they want to buy.
So her parents asked her to go to bed at eight o'clock every night. In fact, she didn't want to sleep at all. She couldn't understand why all other family members could stay up.
"Early for you," he laughed and rolled over to look at me. "Do you want to go back to sleep?"
"Early for you," he laughed and rolled over to look at me. "Do you want to go back to sleep?"