The would-be studio, which made films such as “American Beauty” and “War of the Worlds”, sold itself to Paramount in 2005.
这家似乎前途无量的电影制片公司曾制作出像《美国丽人》和《世界大战》这样的影片。 2005年它出卖给派拉蒙公司。
It sends us to war, destroying all our beauty, tenderness and joy.
But the thing is, if we could express our love and opinions and beauty through a universal language, there would be less war, more peace, more harmony, and more love among humankind.
The frightening Ares was the god of war, and the charming Aphrodite the goddess of love and beauty.
Prized for farmers for their war on pests and by children for their delicate beauty, the beetles were known to Englishmen in the Middle Ages as ladybirds, creatures of Our Lady.
Prized for farmers for their war on pests and by children for their delicate beauty, the beetles were known to Englishmen in the Middle Ages as ladybirds, creatures of Our Lady.