ANZAC War Memorial lies on the other side of Hyde Park along with its reflection pool.
Scientists at the War Memorial cracked open the press studs and found inside fragments of cloth.
November 11, 2004, New Zealand Tomb of the Unknown Warrior dedicated at the National War Memorial, Wellington.
There was much controversy surrounding her Vietnam War Memorial, not the least of which focused on her Chinese-American origins.
The town raised a memorial to those killed in the war.
A memorial stone was dedicated to those who were killed in the war.
Created by Charles Jagger and Lionel Pearson, the memorial is a shocking collision of technology and the human body. It enacts in its own form the destructive energies of war.
They can also visit the Arizona Memorial, commemorating the destruction of the battleship Arizona during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor that brought America into World War II.
The guard changes at a memorial commemorating the hundreds of Argentines who died during the 1982 Falklands War, in which their country lost to the United Kingdom.
纪念馆前的守卫正在交接班。 这里纪念的是死于1982年马岛战争(Falklands War)的几百位阿根廷人。
The Thiepval Memorial on the Somme, designed by Edwin Lutyens, bears the names of 72, 000 fallen British soldiers from the 1914-18 war.
由Edwin Lutyens设计的位于法国索姆省的Thiepval纪念碑,刻着从1914到1918年牺牲的72000名英国士兵的名字。
This memorial commemorates those who died in the war.
Several people I talked to said they wished that more structures had been left in ruins following the war, frozen in a kind of silent memorial.
Americans are pausing Monday to honor the country's war dead, as the United States observes its annual Memorial day.
General John Alexander Logan ordered the Memorial day holiday to be observed by decorating the war dead.
In the meantime, it will inspect the responses from different walks of life and the special function of memorial-week during the period of the Anti-Japanese War.
The Thiepval Memorial on the Somme, designed by Edwin Lutyens, bears the names of 72,000 fallen British soldiers from the 1914-18 war.
The Thiepval Memorial on the Somme, designed by Edwin Lutyens, bears the names of 72,000 fallen British soldiers from the 1914-18 war.