Ward Cunningham: Wiki has a feel of brainstorming, though it's not as interactive.
Ward Cunningham : I had a few things that I wanted to accomplish when I created wiki.
The first wiki was created in 1994 by Ward Cunningham as a way for programmers to exchange ideas over the Web.
第一个wiki由Ward Cunningham 于 1994 年创建,最初作为程序员在Web 上交流观点的一种方式。
The latter was a success because it was driven by people like Kent Beck and Ward Cunningham who develop software.
后者之所以成功,是因为像KentBeck和Ward Cunningham这些在实际开发软件的人在推动它。
Kent Beck and Ward Cunningham proposed the adoption of CRC CARDS to perform object-object design during team sessions.
KentBeck和Ward Cunningham提议在团队会议过程中采用crc卡片来进行面向对象设计。
Ward Cunningham invented the first wiki because he was tired of responding to user's requests to update a website he ran.
Ward Cunningham发明了第一个Wiki,因为他厌倦了应用户的要求更新他的网站。
If you don't think carefully, you might think that programming is just typing statements in a programming language. (Ward Cunningham).
如果你思虑不周,你可能会认为编程仅仅是敲入一行行的程序语句而已——Ward cunningham。
It's interesting that many of evolutionary design's major proponents, like Kent Beck and Ward Cunningham, are stunningly good designers.
Ward Cunningham : The first thing you have to understand is that because we made wiki easier for authors, we actually made it harder for readers.
During the same time period when blogs were emerging, Ward Cunningham invented a technology that allows anybody to contribute to a Web page through simple editing.
在blog开始出现的同一段时间里,Ward Cunningham发明了一项技术,这项技术允许任何人通过简单的编辑为web页面做贡献。
Ward Cunningham : A wiki works best where you're trying to answer a question that you can't easily pose, where there's not a natural structure that's known in advance to what you need to know.
The design debt metaphor was first used by Ward Cunningham in his OOPSLA 1992 experience report 1, where he described the common practice of using a little temporary debt to speed up development.
设计债这个比喻最早是由Ward Cunningham在他的OOPSLA 1992经验报告1中使用的,他在文中使用一个临时过失来描述普通操作以加速开发。
The design debt metaphor was first used by Ward Cunningham in his OOPSLA 1992 experience report 1, where he described the common practice of using a little temporary debt to speed up development.
设计债这个比喻最早是由Ward Cunningham在他的OOPSLA 1992经验报告1中使用的,他在文中使用一个临时过失来描述普通操作以加速开发。