I heard of a doctor who bought the words Be Not Afraid cut out of steel. He wanted to hang the phrase in the children's ward of a hospital.
Sneezing. Sometimes the workplace sounds less like an office and more like a hospital ward, especially now that we're at the height of cold and flu season.
Hacking. Coughing. Sneezing. Sometimes the workplace sounds less like an office and more like a hospital ward, especially now that we're at the height of cold and flu season.
The starving girls in this hospital ward include a 21-month-old with arms and legs the size of twigs and an emaciated 1-year-old with huge, vacant eyes.
Yesterday afternoon, another member of staff at the hospital – who gave his name only as Stephen – said: "Today at 7.30am one shell fell in the hospital admission ward near a temporary shelter.
昨日下午,一名只是自称斯蒂芬的工作人员声称:"今天早晨7:30左右一枚炮弹降落于医院收症室内一所临时掩护体的附近。 当时造成了47人死亡。
The prologue, set in 1967, tells of their first meeting as teenagers in a hospital ward. There are two boys and a girl.
However, here ha was pacing the halls of the psychiatric ward of County General Hospital waiting to talk to a patient named Angel Zeno.
The article describes the construction and implementation of a ward nursing system in Ruijin Hospital.
When an old lady died in the geriatric ward of a small hospital near Dundee, Scotland, it was believed that she had nothing left of any value.
Unfortunately, the authors note, it is a common practice for hospitals to increase the number of hospital beds inside a ward to meet the increasing demand, especially during an epidemic.
In this paper, electric beds can be controlled for system completed the following work: Design of a hospital ward can be used for carrying patients can control the electric beds;
If a hospital ward identified case of HIV-positive patients, will immediately become an explosive news.
If a hospital ward identified case of HIV-positive patients, will immediately become an explosive news.