The warm front the warm front represents the leading edge of the warm sector in the wave.
After cyclone occlude, there are only fine water vapor conditions at fore warm front and cyclone center.
In some cases, cells and clusters are further arranged in bands within the warm sector and ahead of the warm front.
Precipitation from warm front rainbands often involves "seeding" by ice particles falling from the upper clouds layers.
You know, how 'bout the bakery air, when you walk into a bakery and you get that warm front of, like, croissants in your face.
When the rain is caused by cold front, cyclone or typhoon, the rainfall forecast skill is higher than warm front or subtropical high.
The ana-warm front, with rising warm air, has multi-layered cloud which steadily thickens and lowers towards the surface position of the front.
Ahead of the warm front, the bands are broadly parallel to the airflow in the rising section of the conveyor belt, whereas in the warn sector they parallel the cold front and the low-level jet.
For example, if you have a shallow water area that holds bass, and it is close to deeper water and a weather front (whether it be a cold or warm front) moves in, it will effect the shallow water.
To warm himself, the sailor sat in front of the fire rubbing one bare foot against the other.
After a big dinner, Mr. Zhang brought a basin of warm water and asked his mother to sit in front of the basin.
The warm vapor from her breath cuts through the cold air and bounces off of the ground in front of her.
Even as his chest passed into the box Jacob was aware of the wet and warm, strangely comforting feeling spreading through the front of his trousers.
There aren’t many things more relaxing than watching the sun set from the view of my front porch on a warm summer night.
A slender screen that runs the height of the front stairwell casts rays of sunlight inside during the day and emits horizontal stripes from the stairwell's warm lanterns at night.
There are warm days in the UK, but you know you're in a damp country when the merest hint of sunshine is front page news.
The night was warm, and smelled of flowering these in the railed front garden of the old house.
A staple of the American soldier's uniform, Long Johns kept our boys on the front lines warm during harsh weather conditions.
That year, sunny, warm spring, through the street by chance can smell the fragrance of flowers, like in front of me…
Additional rooms include a bay front Lanai and a warm, wood paneled Library.
We must pay attention to the southern warm thermal advection as well as the northern cold thermal advection in the cold front shear type rainstorm process.
The couple was always sitting on the bench in front of their house. And they always gave people warm greetings.
But every time I came back I always got a great reception and a warm welcome, so I want to thank them very much and I really enjoyed playing in front of them every time.
After all, only a few warm-hearted volunteers could access "the front lines of combating disaster" considering the complicated conditions and fear of potential calamity.
There are multiple vertical upwarding zones in the warm side when the cold front passages in the leeward side.
The heavy fogs of Shangqiu are formed by the weather situations: continental anticyclone, warm zone in front of cold front, uniform pressure field, and low pressure with an inverted trough.
The results are presented of a comprehensive observational analysis of physical and chemical characteristics of precipitation within the warm sector of a quasi-stationary front in South China.
The results are presented of a comprehensive observational analysis of physical and chemical characteristics of precipitation within the warm sector of a quasi-stationary front in South China.