As he leaned panting against the spot, he felt even the warm spots growing chill beneath his hands.
We already had a special torch that can 'smell' henna plants, as well as normal cameras that can see warm spots.
The prevention and therapy targeting on NF-B have become warm spots. This article reviewed the bionomics and functions of NF-B, and the pr...
本文就NF - B的生物学特性、在肝缺血再灌注损伤中的作用及以其为靶点的防治进展进行综述。
That topography means that warm water could progressively melt spots where ice is stuck to the rock, allowing it to flow more freely.
Do you see or feel spots that are cold or warm or disconnected or without love?
Now this radiation field is quite uniform but does have slight warm and cool spots that tell us a great deal about the early universe that could have imprinted them.
The double-height first level is bordered by a rainbow of books arranged on warm walnut shelves, and seating options by Brazilian designers such as Sérgio Rodrigues offer pleasant spots to read.
Adjacent to the trestle scenic, small Qingdao, the Catholic Church, the former German Government Building and other famous scenic spots scattered around the unique location, warm and comfortable.
And is suitable to various professions multi - spots measured the warm situation, can fixed time the automatic gathering data and prints the record or the manual printing saves in EEPROM the record.
And is suitable to various professions multi - spots measured the warm situation, can fixed time the automatic gathering data and prints the record or the manual printing saves in EEPROM the record.