Wherever you place it, the high-powered "warm white" LED will add a romantic ambience day and night.
The resulting hybrid LED gives off a warm white light with a slightly yellow cast, similar to that of the incandescent lamp.
Unique Motion sensor light Including Pure white and Warm light---Press the button to change the lighting mode between Pure white and Warm white.
After a couple minutes allow yourself to vision your most favorite place, is it a warm white sandy beach, is the top of your favorite mountain retreat.
This high power LED can combine numerous warm white, red, green and blue chips into a single package, and also have the ability to have high lumen output with lower wattage.
Mainly by High Power is white, warm white, red, yellow, blue, green series products, the stability, the attenuation extent, consistency, color rendering all have excellent performance.
It was a warm, friendly meeting. They thought back over Jackson's years in the White House and talked about what had been done.
The first products to come to market use quantum dots to produce warm, white light from blue LEDs.
We'd examine the crystal beauty of bright white, frosty flakes on dark, warm mittens.
Reflected onto the white surface these colors leave a faint trace over it, creating a warm, glamorous, and captivating yet gentle feeling.
Livingston pointed out that while the 10 black CEO faces were considered warmer than the white faces, blacks as a group were considered less warm than whites overall.
Their fur is transparent (not white), their skin is black (not white), and when kept in warm humid environments, their fur can turn green from algae.
Spring had come early that year, with warm quick rains and sudden frothing of pink peach blossoms and dogwood dappling with white stars the dark river swamp and far-off hills.
"Half say you should drink white wine because it dissolves the cheese," he said. "the other half says you should drink warm tea because wine turns the cheese into a solid mass."
Use undiluted white vinegar to wash dried concrete or mortar off your skin, then wash with warm, soapy water.
Use a warm color, such as a bright red or yellow, for an accent wall, and paint the remaining walls a smooth white or creamy brown.
The two nuns in their dazzling white habits — the beautiful-boned young nun and the warm-faced old — would glide to the open cane-and-thatch schoolroom in darkness, and start the children singing.
The little window in your heart, and a beautiful sunshine come in, the story of some warm drink, there are free to the wind invite some flowers or white clouds.
We were dressed for train travel, not mountaineering: Liu Yang was in leather thigh-high boots; Li Cheng wore a white furry hat in the shape of a polar bear, PAWS reaching down to warm her chin.
Every 10 days or so, clean your filter equal parts white vinegar and warm water. Let the filter soak in the solution for an hour, then simply squeeze it dry before using.
Li Cheng wore a white furry hat in the shape of a polar bear, paws reaching down to warm her chin. We chuckled at the Europeans.
Color of the snow, winter white, red Christmas, warm season, in this quiet moment, and sincerely wish you a Merry Christmas!
The White Album, for example, has some of the most amazingly warm tones I've ever heard.
In very warm climates, using white and cool colors exclusively can make an entire house seem more comfortable.
Internally, warm timbers complement white surfaces that reflect light, exaggerating its presence within the home.
The name of a slightly transparent bright red umbrella, warm color put into the cheek, the skin is very white.
Inside, material contrasts continue. expressed through sharp-edged geometries and articulated datum, juxtapositions of white stucco, grey stone, and soft, warm wood surfaces unfold throughout.
Inside, material contrasts continue. expressed through sharp-edged geometries and articulated datum, juxtapositions of white stucco, grey stone, and soft, warm wood surfaces unfold throughout.