My father was a teacher there so a period of time in my life was contained by it.
It's almost like everything that we see in our society was contained in what I saw there.
The blaze was contained mostly to the fourth floor of the five-story building, the news agency said.
If this page was contained in that folder, it would create a circular reference to itself through the Multi-page portlet.
In this background, as an important part of tort law, the safety-ground duty was contained in many scholars proposed draft.
Is this because SARS was contained within less than four months, and the long-dreaded influenza pandemic turned out to be so mild?
Often the informality of the plant placement was contained in ordered geometric Spaces extending from the associated architecture.
Because our business logic here was contained within stored procedures rather than on the application server, flexibility was inherent.
Copper was reduced by formaldehyde which was contained in the effluent of chemical copper plating, and EDTA in the effluent was reclaimed after acidify.
One kind of fibrinolysis active material was contained in the lobster sauce, the fibrinolysis activities of 14 traditional lobster sauce were studied by fibrin plate method .
Over the next few months, the illness spread to more than two dozen countries in North America, South America, Europe, and Asia before the SARS global outbreak of 2003 was contained.
In the introduction, the writer mainly combs the tragic connotation, which was contained in Fangfang's novels, and points out the theory center of resistance in the course of the proof.
Therefore, two or more (if more than one service invoke primitive was contained within the module) threads may be concurrently active for the same instance of the mediation flow component.
Through luck and skill, that crisis was contained — but rather than serving as a warning, the episode nurtured the false belief that the Fed had all the tools it needed to deal with financial shocks.
Although the SARS global outbreak of 2003 was contained, it is possible that the disease could re-emerge, causing even greater disaster because the viruses might occur in many different mutated forms.
She was not privy to any information contained in the letters.
Contained within the rock strata is evidence that the region was intensely dry 15,000 years ago.
岩层中的证据表明该地区在15,000 年前曾经非常干旱。
Though our own world was seemingly self-contained, it impacted on the white world of Piedmont in almost every direction.
And though our own world was seemingly self-contained, it impacted on the white world of Piedmont in almost every direction.
The severity of the impact was increased because cattle, which were displacing sheep, are much more sensitive than sheep to the toxins contained in ragwort.
The tomb was unopened and contained many invaluable items, such as the Golden Larnax.
The parsed XML document was a tree that contained the document node and its descendants.
In the analyzed projects, after DOM traversal, the second most common task was to retrieve the text value contained in an element.
The previous example only contained a measure that was taken from one fact table in the underlying database.
Goldman has acknowledged that its marketing materials for the subprime product it was marketing contained incomplete information.
The client's message contained incorrect information or was incorrectly formed.
When our dataset was plotted, we observed that our dataset was asymmetrical and contained a long right hand tail, indicating positive skew.
When our dataset was plotted, we observed that our dataset was asymmetrical and contained a long right hand tail, indicating positive skew.