At that time I was in bad mood, have been sad, has said she gave me encouragement.
Neil's colleagues said he was actually in a joking, upbeat mood in spite of the bad news.
In one study, people with diabetes had more trouble processing information, remembering things, and paying attention — besides being in a bad mood — when their blood sugar was low.
Today, I was in a really bad mood when a young girl came into my office sporting the most genuine smile I'd seen in a long while.
I could not get any work done, the babies were misbehaving, my husband had a headache and was in a bad mood and on top of all that I had an argument with my mom and grandmother who live in Ukraine.
But on my birthday in July, there was party for me at the pool, and it was hard to tear myself away from it when they didn't want me to go, and then an exhausted Hanna received me in bad mood.
One post reads: 'I thought I was in a bad mood but it's been a few years now, so I guess this is who I am now'.
You may just have happened to cross paths with someone who was in a bad mood for reasons unknown to you.
My mood was bad in these days, moreover I lose my temper to my girlfriend, fortunately I came to my senses in time and she pardoned me.
Out of the car she climbed, a grumpy, haughty teenager in the body of a 5-year-old. But her bad mood was short lived.
Martin Freeman, on the other hand, arrived at his audition having had his wallet stolen on the way and was in such a bad mood it was assumed he wasn't interested.
I remember once in a friendly against Barcelona I was disappointed not to be playing, I was in a bad mood so didn't do a proper warm-up, he put me on and I wasn't mentally ready.
Ady added that she was moved to tears when Van Ness had one day pulled her into a room and prayed for her because he had noticed that she was in a bad mood.
Martin Freeman, on the other hand, arrived at his audition having had his wallet stolen on the way and was in such a bad mood it was assumed he wasn "t interested."
A: I said I wanted to break up with you because I was in a bad mood. Forget what I said, okay?
A: I said I wanted to break up with you because I was in a bad mood. Forget what I said, okay?