Merced was pondering this problem one day in his student carrel at the Bradbury library.
While packing for my first trip to Malaysia, I was pondering what kind of clothes with me.
While I was pondering this, I caught the unmistakable scent of a smoking burner rising from the kitchen.
I was pondering these things, when an incident, and a somewhat unexpected one, broke the thread of my musings. Mr.
Just as he was pondering over the matter, Hsiao-ch 'eng came running and jumping along, yelling at the top of his lungs all the way, "Dear Miss Su, have you come down with lovesickness?"
There was a lot of testing, waiting, pondering, questioning, and in six years I made four films and wrote four novels just to keep my energy going.
I've been pondering the future since my dad took me to visit the World future Society headquarters in Bethesda, Md., when I was 10 years old.
After all, at the time I agreed to it I was wondering if I could last that long, not pondering adding time to our stay.
This realization was due to the pondering of why the map carving whales had gone into false ascensions in recent months and have had to be restrained due to problems flowing through their unconscious.
Transposed pondering always leads to an enlightened awareness. I was looking for the lost me everywhere, but it turned out just besides me.
Rather than recreating images, Dr Pereira was able to determine what topics people were pondering.
Under the new economic and technical environment, each country and area was positively pondering how to use the limited resources to create the biggest value.
I was born in Hunan in a common Hamlet, I like a child 's, on her own, also pondering a triangular cats Kung Fu, in today's view this effort is also a pediatrician too!
While he was idly pondering, satisfied to be inside, a well-dressed man passed up the lobby, stopped, looked sharply, as if not sure of his memory, and then approached.
As night fell, I left the park, and my heart still pondering over the light show was moving scenes scenes.
He was now listening attentively, now taking notes, now pondering with his hand on his forehead.
He was now listening attentively, now taking notes, now pondering with his hand on his forehead.