Something that I learnt from both my parents was the importance of having respect for other people.
Many people would think of Confucius (孔子), whose birthday was September. Although he lived over 2,000 years ago, people still remember and respect him for his contribution (贡献) to the education today.
Ms Rosenfeld was quick to acknowledge on Tuesday that Kraft has "great respect for Cadbury's brands, heritage and people". Perhaps that will allay Lord Mandelson's fears.
Ms Rosenfeld was quick to acknowledge on Tuesday that Kraft has “great respect for Cadbury's brands, heritage and people”.
Ruapehu itself was not shown in the flint, out of respect for the Maori people. who regard it as a sacred site.
And I respect Geraldine Ferraro, she is a trailblazer, and was an inspiration for a lot of people, including myself when she ran.
They do not avoid the world War II on the national and the crimes committed by people of the world, which is recognized in Germany was the world's people, and respect for reason.
They do not avoid the world War II on the national and the crimes committed by people of the world, which is recognized in Germany was the world's people, and respect for reason.