I could tell by the antlers that it was a huge stag and I knew in my heart it was the Emperor.
When the eagle saw this, he flew up into the sky and revealed his true shape: he was the Emperor of Heaven!
When the eagle saw this, he flew up into the sky and revealed his true shape: he was the Emperor of Heaven!
That's right! The coins were easy to distribute and they allowed people to see the emperor or at least his likes and served as an additional reminder to let them know who was in charge.
Legend has it that it was Lei Tzu, wife of the Yellow Emperor, ruler of China in about 3000 BC, who discovered silkworms.
Now the Emperor himself wished to see the costly manufacture, while it was still in the loom.
At that time, yellow was exclusively used for the emperor—the royal palace was painted yellow and the imperial robe was always yellow.
The Emperor loved the princess so much and was so sad when she died that he ordered the palace to be built in her honor.
At that time, the color was exclusively used for the emperor—the royal palace was painted yellow and the imperial robe was always yellow.
However, it was not until the rule of Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty (156 87 that his ideas were finally put into practice.
People believed that the palace of the God Emperor, which is called ziweigong, or ziwei palace, was located on this star.
Yesterday Mr Austin said: 'Some writer claimed it was my fault that the Emperor had been shot and that I should never have photographed him.
It was about 1.5m (5ft) tall and nearly twice as heavy as an Emperor Penguin, the largest living species.
When he was six he played violin to the emperor of Austria. At 14 he wrote music for Milan Opera.
Cruise was accused of a "Napoleon Complex" (named after the emperor who was 170cm).
Then Hirohito was depicted as the heart of a pure nation, which was ready to die for him because emperor and people were one.
But what they didn't know was that it was a special day, the day when, once a year, the Emperor himself administered the law.
Tradition holds that Paul was beheaded by the Emperor Nero around AD 62-65 and buried in a vineyard over which the Emperor Constantine built a basilica in 324.
According to Japanese myths, Emperor Jimmu was enthroned in 660 B.C., and from him, the current Emperor descended, becoming the 125th ruler of Japan.
One of its first exports to China was a personal X-ray machine for the use of the last emperor which was only recently discovered in a storage room in the Forbidden City.
其最早出口到中国的商品包括一台末代皇帝溥仪御用X光机。 此机最近才于紫禁城一处储物间里被发现。
It's a very good question, and you've got to realize that so much of the power of Rome was built on the ideology of the emperor.
Later, Li Shimin (r. 626-649), son of Li Yuan, ascended the throne as emperor Taizong, who was one of the greatest emperors in Chinese history.
李渊的儿子唐太宗李世民(626- 649年在位),是中国历史上最有作为的君王之一。
The great god Pan is dead, as a voice was heard to cry by sailors in the age of the Roman emperor Augustus.
When Meiji became Emperor of Japan at the age of 14, Japan was a primitive and isolated country.
Pu Yi's own story was told in "The Last Emperor", a well-received film made in 1987.
The site was an all-but-unused airport, named after Constantine the Great (the Roman emperor who was born there).
After Huo Guang died, Emperor Xuandi was informed of the case. Someone was sent to investigate it.
After Huo Guang died, Emperor Xuandi was informed of the case. Someone was sent to investigate it.