Collect the crystals by suction filtration using your Hirsch funnel and wash them with a few milliliters of cold water (do not forget to remove the boiling chips).
Wash and dice cucumber, marinate with salt for 5 minutes, then rinse under cold water. Drain.
I know some people who only wash the upper sides of dishes or the inside of cooking POTS with soap, while everything else just gets a quick rinse in cold water!
Animal bites. If you are bitten by an animal, wash the wound with cold running water. Then see a doctor as soon as possible.
When a person is bitten by an animai, wash the wound with cold running water before he/she is taken to see a doctor.
Wash your face with cold water to remove the skin Cleanser while still feeling fresh, stimulating facial to enhance blood circulation, so skin appears brighter.
When sitting to write songs, Beethoven got used to wash face with cold water, he believed this can stimulate his cerebra to make out better things.
When sitting to write songs, Beethoven got used to wash face with cold water, he believed this can stimulate his cerebra to make out better things.