A separate bill by Los Angeles-area Senator Gloria Romero would require high-tech manufacturers to develop programs to recycle so-called e-waste.
Retail Active, says the South East of England has the highest food waste tally, second is the North West and the area with the least wastage is Scotland.
This area deals in domestic waste rather than imports, but Shi said every part of the industry had been affected.
In Beijing, people living in the Asuwei area turn their household waste into organic fertilizers which are used to grow plants at residence communities.
Another area of truly horrendous waste in the Internet marketing arena is the failure to capture opt-ins.
The report recommends countries establish e-waste management centers of excellence, building on existing organizations working in the area of recycling and waste management.
Officials in Fukushima City have been disposing of some waste at an industrial dumping site, an option that residents in the area are understandably not happy about.
Staying home over the holidays doesn't have to be a drag or feel like a waste if you're able to get out and see your area through the eyes of a tourist.
Divided into a country and the area by themselves overlapping organizations and resources of life brought about large waste.
Reduced trunnion drag and energy waste because the trunnions on the VR taper bucket are positioned on the rear taper effectively reducing the area of the trunnion exposed directly to soil flow.
The management stated waste storage area was inspected once per two weeks. There is no inspection record kept.
A cluttered work area can also contain many distractions, causing you to waste valuable work time on non-important functions.
The project's results is demonstrated in Shanghai Pudong New Area, but these results also can be used to service Europe's waste disposal system and improve the efficiency of the system as a whole.
They then took a bag from each area and sorted it into different material types, to give a representative sample of the type of waste that the school produces.
Therefore, matured waste should not be filled in water body of the third area after the first and second area in Ningbo Tongpenpu waste landfill site being finished.
因此,宁波市铜盆浦垃圾填埋场的第、第库区填满后,不能把第、 库区内的腐熟垃圾填入第库区的水域。
As the city landscape important constituent, the inhabited landscape is material and the energy expense system, simultaneously also is the waste main output area.
The school pool resources to buy an area of waste and turned it into a sports field.
The problems of large occupation area, solid waste polluting water as well as intensifying secondary geological disaster are existing in the development of the mineral resource in Yunnan Province.
Yemaquan district, one of the important candidate sites for China′s high-level radioactive waste repository, is located in the Beishan area, Gansu Province, Northwest China.
This paper introduced the leachate control engineering and the assessment of leachate control effect of sanitary landfill area in north suburb domestic waste treatment plant of Hefei city.
Please protect environmental sanitation in the scenic area. Don't spit, and urinate, defecate anywhere, throw waste casually, and pick up castoff from inside the litterbin.
Atmospheric Marine aerosol was derived from seawater gaseous substance soil dust ash fly from burning coal ash fly from burning fuel and industrial waste at dalian sea area.
"The additional floor area provided much needed functional space for a growing family, without any excess or waste," said the team.
The engineering measures and the results on synthetic utilization of solid waste and ecosystem establishment of mining area in Jinchuan Nonferrous Metals Corporation is described.
Analysed the problem of monitoring of total amount of pollutants in waste water in the country area and put forward the related countermeasure and Suggestions.
A case study shows that nonlinear seepage exists in all the seepage area of the waste dump and the water level is higher than that of linear seepage.
A case study shows that nonlinear seepage exists in all the seepage area of the waste dump and the water level is higher than that of linear seepage.