Over-planning — Planning is a good thing, but too much leads to procrastinating. That's why I think getting organized might be a big fat waste of time.
He didn't waste any time. After handing the jawbone over to the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA, he drove south of Adelaide to Aldinga, to ask 84-year-old Helen Blackburne for a sample of her DNA.
I noticed a calendar display in a bookstore the other day just shortly after receiving an E-mail from a reader complaining that I waste too much time trying to win over straight society's approval.
And for the purposes of investment decisions, the second group didn't matter; tracking its spending habits or worrying over its savings rate was a waste of time.
You can never over design, especially when you are in a competition like battlebots where things break often, or don't have enough money/time to waste on mistakes.
Or when you spent hours watching "Kim's Fairytale Wedding" over and over again, only to learn that keeping up with this Kardashian was a waste of time.
又或者,当你花好几个小时一遍遍重复观看“金的童话婚礼”(Kim ' s FairytaleWedding)后,才发现要和这位卡达西安女士保持一致就是浪费时间。
Don't stress out - and waste time in the process - by obsessing over every second of time.
Waste drops into the compost where it is naturally processed into soil and liquid fertilizer over time.
I don’t love Christmas shopping, or the overconsumption, frenzied malls, consumer debt, environmental waste, wasted time wrapping, and over-accumulation of needless stuff that goes with it.
Why waste time going to the bank when you can do it all over the Internet?
你可以在网上办理银行业务,为何要浪费时间跑银行呢? 试比较。
I didn’t waste any time – I took one step in the door and said, ‘Dad, I just came over to tell you that I love you.’
We've all attended meetings that failed to start on time, ran way over, or simply felt like a waste of time because the agenda was not followed.
He did not think it consistent with the dignity of that council to waste any more time over this scurrilous amendment.
When I do, I send the work back to the office over the net. But I don't waste my time chatting.
Even seasoned outside lawyers may waste their clients' time and money fighting over far-fetched hypothetical issues irrelevant to the business objectives of a transaction.
Folks who are happy have this in common: they're content with what they have, and don't waste a whole lot of time worrying and stressing over things they don't.
He was probably a worthy member of society, a good husband and father, an honest broker; but there was no reason to waste one's time over him.
You can't change what has already happened so don't waste your time thinking about it. Move on, let go and get over it, it's done.
Because of over consumption of oil and inaccurate coal-feeding time in the start-up process of the circulating fluidized bed(CFB) boiler, resource waste and even the start-up failure occur.
Make the most of your short trip with a little bit of planning so you don't waste precious time flipping through guidebooks or arguing over restaurant choices.
Better go ahead and dance your jig round that if you've got to, and get it over, and then perhaps we can go on and not waste any more time over rubbish-heaps.
要是你想围着它跳舞,那就快跳,跳完咱们好赶路,不再为这些破烂垃圾浪费时间啦。 一块擦脚垫,能当饭吃吗?
It's a waste of time and energy to rip yourself apart over something you no longer have the power to change.
Plus, studies have proven that over sleeping is a waste of time to since the last hours of sleeping are the least useful therefore, there are 2 options to set the alarm;
I wish I had all the time I'd ever wasted, so I could waste it all over again.
This proverb advises that it really is a waste of time to weep over mistakes that have already been made.
Don't waste your time exchanging words with him over such trivial matters.
You hold much power now, and more sway over your own destiny than you have for a long, long time so don't waste a minute of it.
Don't waste time agonizing over what might or might not work. Instead, invest your time in effort that will enable you to know exactly what works.
There were accusations of diving and over-elaborating falls to waste time.
There were accusations of diving and over-elaborating falls to waste time.