The paper analyses the present situation of solid waste utilization in China, and proposes corresponding measures to strengthen the utilization of solid waste in the future.
This functionality minimizes waste in the storage system in addition to providing better utilization of the storage network (because less data emitted to storage requires less time in transfer).
Supplying or entrusting hazardous waste to a unit that does not have a business license for collection, storage, utilization and treatment of hazardous waste is prohibited.
With the waste heat being put to use the energy utilization rate of the whole system can surpass 80%.
加上利用的余热,整个系统的能量利用率可以超过80 %。
But the excessive development and unclean and inefficient utilization of coal resources have brought not only huge waste of coal, but also serious deterioration of ecological environment.
Development and utilization of biomass has significant importance in recovery of waste resource, transformation of energy construction, environmental improvement and protection, etc.
Our country is very rich in silica raw material, but the comprehensive utilization of resource is not so good, causing unnecessary waste.
The Crayfish head has been made to basic material for condiment by hydrolyzing, and Crayfish shell has been used for the extraction of astaxanthin, which maximizes the utilization of waste.
The essential measure treating waste vehicles is establishing completely recycling system, and resource and comprehensive utilization are the most positive measures.
The engineering measures and the results on synthetic utilization of solid waste and ecosystem establishment of mining area in Jinchuan Nonferrous Metals Corporation is described.
The influences of fertilizer, pesticides, utilization and management of agricultural biomass waste, and soil erosion on the water source were analyzed.
Automatic stripping PET bottle label paper bottle mouth, no scratches, no broken bottle, improve the utilization value of waste PET bottles, to meet customer demand for paper peeling machine.
We should promote the comprehensive utilization of waste materials.
Studies on the biogas production from urban domestic waste by anaerobic digestion and utilization of fermentation residue are represented in this paper.
Counter measures are mainly presented to treat polluted source and reasonable utilization of waste water in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
Waste comprehensive utilization is the main method to improve environment appearance of Huainan. Filling subsidence with solid waste seems to be one of comprehensive utilization ways.
Making use of waste concrete to replace traditional material, its result is good, good economic benefit has been get in utilization of waste concrete.
On the whole, heat efficiency of anode furnace is on the low level, and the prospect of utilization of waste heat is extensive.
Recovery and utilization of waste heat may reduce production cost and enhance competitive power of products.
In this paper, the biological character of edible fungi and their important roles for comprehensive utilization of waste materials and for agroecosystem were reviewed.
This paper introduces the methods of the recovery and utilization of waste heat and energy saving in the production of sulphuric acid.
This paper discussed briefly the background, methods, re-search needs and benefits regarding to the utilization of waste solid wood and waste wood-based composites.
This study provided a good reference for the research and development of the comprehensive utilization of vegetable waste.
At present domestic construction waste resource utilization ratio of relatively low in the waste of resources and environmental pollution.
For construction waste problems in utilization, and puts forward some feasible Suggestions.
The article introduces several methods about LNG cold energy utilization and brings forward one project about cold energy cascade utilization in order to reduce energy waste.
Recycle and utilization of waste heat in exhaust fume of industrial furnaces is the efficient way enhancing furnace heat efficiency and saving fuel used by furnace.
The utilization of mixtures of fly ash and biosolids in soil amendment is suggested to be one of the best methods of solid waste disposal and utilization.
Through the feasible analysis of the utilization of waste heat in Daxing coal mine, the necessary is expounded.
Through the feasible analysis of the utilization of waste heat in Daxing coal mine, the necessary is expounded.