It's not unusual to set out wanting to watch one show and ending up watching several more hours of unplanned TV 'action'.
It is much easier to limit their viewing habit if they understand that they can only watch one show in the morning and one show after school (as just an example).
Even though he’s just one more in a long line of market soothsayers — and has had some notable busts — thousands of investors watch his show, so he does have an impact.
Don't watch TV for four hours; pick just one show and Tivo it or watch it online, or just watch a DVD movie.
不要看电视超过4小时;只看一个节目或者在网上看,又或者可以看d VD。
To help you understand it better, I will show you how it tracked one of my runs with this watch.
Watch just one show, and I swear you'll be scanning your dates, coworkers and neighbors for flashes of twitchy eyebrows, erratic blinks and one-shouldered shrugs.
How many televisions are in the house? In which rooms? Do you watch shows together, or separately? Name one show that you always watch together.
Chen said he was willing to spend a month's salary on a Swiss watch because he feels the need to wear at least one expensive item to show off his taste.
To show this in man, one has only to watch a family with a number of small children holding hands as they cross a busy street.
This show is just great all around! I usually have no patience to watch long dramas as they tend to get draggy especially chinese ones but this one is truly an exception!
One of the host went to Switzerland for this huge Swiss watch show a couple months ago and came back with photos, presents and an extensive knowledge of watch design etc.
One of the host went to Switzerland for this huge Swiss watch show a couple months ago and came back with photos, presents and an extensive knowledge of watch design etc.