Mobile computing: water cooled computer and scooter combo.
Each Reactor will be equipped with DI water cooled electrodes.
All the optical system is located in the cantilever and water cooled.
A new plugging test method for water cooled stator coil was described in this paper.
Back through the maze of ice-walled trenches went the procession. With every sloshing step the water cooled.
The article introduces a basic analytic method of force condition of a water cooled wall of large capacity boiler when it is lifting.
Expansion joint is adopted at the lower extreme of recycling machine, water cooled panel, platen superheater and the place piercing through roof.
It introduce the structure and principle of the mixed air cooled and water cooled door frame applying the cooling door frame can save energy ideally.
By analyzing the material choosing of boiler for supercritical Unit, candidate materials of supercritical water cooled reactor were been put forward in this paper.
Use and repair of ceramic ball heat exchange technique and water cooled cupola with long service life as well as heat energy comprehensive use have been summarized and explored.
There the air absorbs more moisture, which then condenses on a metal wall cooled by seawater, and thus distilled water for irrigating the plants collects.
The utility model relates to a forge and press combined type central water-cooled oxygen lance spray head assembly.
The water-cooled supercomputer will require about 10 liters of water for cooling, and a pump ensures a flow rate of roughly 30 liters per minute.
Mr Brunschwiler and his colleagues have therefore been experimenting with water-cooled chips.
I started my computing career on an IBM 360-91, (and) which is a great machine, water-cooled, everything you wanted in a computer in the 1960s.
我最早从事计算机业时用的是一台IBM 360- 91。那是一台很棒的机器,水冷式,二十世纪六十年代的计算机该有的功能它都有。
This layer is also similar to the water-cooled garments that NASA astronauts have worn inside their space suits since the Apollo missions.
The cell, the cost of which is a more closely guarded secret, is 15-20cm across and is water-cooled.
电池直径15 - 20厘米并用水冷却,其成本是更加严守的秘密。
Thermal distortion of mirrors caused by high power CW laser radiation and pressure distortion by water-cooled back pressure have been measured using a Twyman-Green interferometer.
SCR: It uses water-cooled 800A/1500V SCR components which is specified for export.
The water-cooled guide in the inductor is actually the motion track for heating workpiece, it is working under high temperature all the time.
Transformers: it is used by water-cooled welding transformer with single-phase 200kva vacuum epoxy encapsulation. It accounts for more than 50% load.
Starting in 1976, the 924 with a water-cooled front engine and transaxle design is manufactured in the Audi plant in Neckarsulm, Germany.
Water-cooled, air-cooled, heat pump, window conditioner, wall mounted, vertical.
Water-cooled panels, spare parts for CC-Arms, valves, bearings, insulation material, hydraulic cylinders, seal kits.
This article explores these considerations and discusses how an air or water-cooled system can help you optimize your MIG or TIG welding performance.
By analyzing weld technology of the purple copper water-cooled radiator used in high-power chopper, we have found a newly direct and current anti-weld method.
The influence of the channel parameters of the water-cooled Si mirror on temperature and thermal deformation was simulated using ANSYS finite element analysis.
The technology of weld's leakage-proof of large water-cooled radiator has been improved, and it has proved feasible.
The technology of weld's leakage-proof of large water-cooled radiator has been improved, and it has proved feasible.