Water delivery, the name suggests is a baby born in water, in fact, this is a new natural delivery.
The intensifier pump consists of a hydraulic system, a high-pressure water delivery system, and a control system.
Underground pipeline water delivery can save water, land, energy and labor. It is convenient for machinery work and field work.
The serviceability of water delivery network in each phase under earthquake is analyzed by simulation method and hydraulics theory.
In the light of technology, the writer analyses the economic benefits and accounting of large caliber and long distance water delivery pipe.
Having determined our gross head, we will now have to determine the losses in our water delivery system from the Headwater Dam to the turbine.
Upon the user's request, the unit may be installed with fast connection, suction pipe, water delivery pipe, instruments and other accessories.
The public health crisis in Flint, Mich. , should compel architects to explore the implications of alternative, net-zero water delivery systems.
The four-step energy dissipator had been adopted as stilling basin for the outlet of water delivery conduit of the Boshan Reservoir in Henan Province.
Solving sediment depositing in pipeline key of problem lied in determining non-depositing critical velocity of muddy water delivery in pipeline system.
Objective to probe into the differences between water delivery and traditional delivery in view of the active phase and the duration of second labor stage.
Often with warm water, medicine, powder, powder can be used after the bees with water delivery service, or blending into the water to swallow oral capsules.
Place grain supply and water delivery as top priority and make sure the masses in the disaster-stricken areas have sufficient food to eat and clean water to drink.
The research results have the important leading meaning to the choice of subassembly, the construction, maintenance management of the water delivery pipeline system.
Article 22 the use of land and shorelines that come within the range of management of river channels and lakes shall meet the requirements of flood passage and water delivery.
The model also considers economy of scale and water delivery costs by identifying water reuse opportunities among enterprises, thus saving both water resource and economic costs.
The outlets of the cool water delivery pipe and the hot water delivery pipe are provided with a mixer, and a shower head is communicated with a mixing outlet of cool water and hot water.
Solving sediment depositing in pipeline key of problem lied in determining non-depositing critical velocity of muddy water delivery in pipeline system and corresponding technical measures.
We used a conical flask, a fabric bag of sprigs of lavender plus shredded, a plastic delivery tube, and a test-tube in a beaker of cold water.
This area was chosen specifically because it was (1) the only area free of previous MWRI interventions and (2) an area in which farmers' complaints about late delivery of water were significant.
As we can see in Orme paying for trucking water into town, oftentimes the water is free, but the delivery of the water costs dearly.
Damage to buildings, combined with shortages of fuel, power, water and supplies has a major impact on service delivery.
For this example, we used a conical flask, a fabric bag of sprigs of lavender plus shredded, a plastic delivery tube and a test-tube in a beaker of cold water.
When taking delivery, we found that the cargo had been seriously wet by fresh water and putrefied.
You will need a vessel to heat water in, a source of heat, gauze or muslin, thread, a delivery tube, a receiving vessel and ice.
Communications and transportation transportation by land, water, air and pipeline, loading unloading and delivery 3.
Communications and transportation transportation by land, water, air and pipeline, loading unloading and delivery 3.