The Obamas have a new White House dog. It is a Portuguese water dog named Bo.
How about that Obama dog? They got a new dog. Yeah, a little Portuguese water dog.
It's the responsibility of good Portuguese water dog breeders to try to prevent that, she said.
They are working with animal shelters to find either a Portuguese water dog or a Labradoodle.
Bo, a Portuguese water dog, feasted on a cake shaped like a dog house that was made out of veal.
I once had a date with a handsome man and his handsome Portuguese water dog who were so interested in each other they paid no attention to me.
So he began the Georgie project, studying the genes of the Portuguese water dog, a breed that comes in a wide range of sizes from 25 pounds to 75 pounds.
News that a Portuguese Water Dog will become the First Canine of the United States is thrilling lovers of the breed in its native land, who say Barack Obama's family couldn't have picked better.
The dog had initially been knocked unconscious but had survived by drinking water from a fresh stream at the base of the cliff.
The little boy gave the dog some food, water and clean dry grass to lie on.
They reasoned that the water is bound to the dog by surface tension between the liquid and the hair.
Animal activists, however, kept arriving with reinforcements, carrying water, dog food, even trained veterinarians for a siege that lasted 15 hours.
When she had told it all to Dr Freud—the nurse, the dog, the glass of water —the girl was able to drink again.
她将这一切都告诉了弗洛伊德医生 ——看护、狗,还有那杯水,这时她又可以喝水了。
The kangaroo held the dog under water at a dam near Melbourne and left deep lacerations across the 49-year-old owner's face and body when he risked his neck to save his pet.
If you notice any of these signs, cool your dog immediately by thoroughly wetting him with cold water and getting him into the shade or an air-conditioned area.
Ancient Romans, it seems, believed that the bite of a mad dog could only be cured by burning the dog's hair and drinking it with water.
When the dog shakes, centripetal forces pull the water away.
Water is attached to the dog by surface tension, they thought, and the sinusoidal shaking creates centripetal forces that ejects that water off the body.
And don't forget to bring water for the dog - not all trails have water sources available.
Thee greedy dog thought the bone in the water looked much bigger than the one he had stolen from the butcher.
这只贪心的狗认为在水里面的那根骨头看起来比他跟卖肉的偷来的这根骨头大多了。 。
Thee greedy dog jumped into the water with a big splash. He looked everywhere but he could not see the other dog. His shadow had gone.
贪心的狗跳进水里溅起好多水花。他到处看,可是都找不到其他的狗。他的倒影不见了。 。
If a skunk sprays your dog, wash the dog with tomato juice, then with shampoo and water.
Generally, if a dog is merely dusty or muddy, you can rinse them off with plain water or wait until they are dry and brush the dirt out to restore them to cleanliness.
A dog became the hero of the day when it saved a baby from going into the water on a beach in Turkey.
One day, when she go to get the water from spring, the dog was blocking the way and snarled at her.
So during these first few weeks I take care of the dog by feeding him, giving him water and exercise but I don't act all GUSSSSHY over him.
So during these first few weeks I take care of the dog by feeding him, giving him water and exercise but I don't act all GUSSSSHY over him.