The application program can be used to verify water invasion identify; water influx and natural gas reserves of water drive gas reservoir.
Tight sandstone gas resources are very affluent in the world; China also contains abundance of the reserves, and most of which reside in water drive gas reservoir.
Several methods to calculate dimensionless water influx have disadvantages due to the particular features of accurate water influx solutions for water drive gas reservoir models.
Relevant driving mechanisms during the water drive gas reservoir production are deeply analyzed which in order to understand the complex driving mechanism of water drive gas reservoir.
For a water drive tight gas reservoir, the accurate calculation of water influx is an important job for forecasting water invasion performance and preventing aqueous phase trapping damage.
The reservoir forming mechanism of deep basin gas shows typical gas and water drive character of piston - pattern, and it is a stable reservoir forming pattern.
This paper has calculated recoverable reserves and recovery rate of THN1 condensate gas reservoir based on a new increase curve of predicting oil field development indexes and water-drive type curves.
This paper has calculated recoverable reserves and recovery rate of THN1 condensate gas reservoir based on a new increase curve of predicting oil field development indexes and water-drive type curves.