Microscopic analysis showed that a few beads stick tightly to each water drop.
In the ice storage tank, the supercooled water drop impacts a metal mesh for de-cold.
It's a sunny day. Little Water Drop sleeps in a river. He wakes up. He feels very hot.
The special anti water drop design guarantees no condensed water on the top of the steam box.
In high school, we said you could either have cupcake or water drop blobs. Mine are the latter.
In this tutorial you will learn how to simulate a water drop rolling down a leaf in a very convincing manner.
The sapphire beads (1) are spherical, ellipsoidal, water drop-shaped, rhombic pillar-shaped or wheat head-shaped.
The shape of this amazing fishbowl was inspired by a water drop which was ready to flow over the edge of the surface it was resting on.
Little Water Drop and some of his friends fall down into a lake. The sun comes out. Little Water Drop feels warm again. He sees Mr Wind.
Using a projector and rows of water drop emitters, a multi-layer display that can be used for text, videos, and interactive games is created.
The idea originated in a ripple of a water drop combined with the natural landscape of terrace forms the main landscape frame of the school.
The Measurement of the charge amount of water-drop is the key to study the properties of charged water drop and even to obtain reliable result.
So that the water drop-shaped column array is a promising configuration with a comprehensive properties and can replace the normal circle-shaped column.
The water drop shape light embedded in the right wall, along with the hidden lights shine the mineral water bottle on the table charming as a young cute girl.
The common use of water for fire suppression is unsuitable for aviation and spacecraft because of wasting much water and tending to cause device damage by the large water drop.
What is surprising is that at everybody's heart the form of 'heart' is considerably different, it could look like a tree leaf, a water drop, a hot pepper, a flower, and even a cross.
When they get a tern or pelican to drop a fish, they plunge down and grab it off the surface of the water, which may have been how this bird got oiled.
Watching her frazzle like a drop of water placed on a hot frying pan actually helped.
The clear rock magnified the letters, making them appear larger, it's like what happens when a drop of water falls on something, whatever's below the drop of water appears larger, right?
Drip, or "micro" irrigation, as the name suggests, is stingier with the water, delivering it to the roots of plants drop by drop.
If you wanna tie anchor to it and drop it right into the ocean, that's no problem, because plant fibers can stand up for months, even years, in direct contact with salt water.
He walked very carefully not to drop the water.
The water in it is just right at the level of the Gaiwan's mouth, with a simple drop on the desk,
In previous post we've told you about water Building Resort - beautiful hotel inspired by the drop of the water.
This image comes from the Liquid drop Art site, which simply catches the instants after a drop lands in water.
Have you ever noticed the ripple expansion across water when you drop an object into it?
The slower rate of warming in the past decade might be due to a 10 percent drop in stratospheric water.
Every drop of water that melts from the ice flows into the ocean, raising sea levels.
Every drop of water that melts from the ice flows into the ocean, raising sea levels.