They are aimed at either cleaning the water in the primary system, providing separate shutdown cooling functions, water chemistry, charging and volume control, makeup water.
But most of the treated water is fed back, via a separate distribution system, to Singapore's factories and power plants-and then treated again.
There are two photovoltaic arrays (one on the roof, another in the backyard) that produce electricity on sunny days, and a separate system that provides solar hot water.
In order to improve the efficiency to separate benthic meiobenthos from sea water samples and relieve the scientists working intension, a set of benthic meiobenthos separation system was developed.
Laboratory experiment shows DS zero-separate water slurry system can better resolve the breakthrough problems.
New concept of "Semi-centralized Treatment System", which can realize water, nutrition and energy circle through separate water supply and separate discharge system was presented in this paper.
Using water-pinch technology for wastewater minimization, a distributed effluent-treatment system segregates the different streams for separate treatments and only combines them if it is appropriate.
Two separate analyses were done to create the represented data. Usage analysis from water meter data and a Hydraulic Model of the system.
Two separate analyses were done to create the represented data. Usage analysis from water meter data and a Hydraulic Model of the system.