Divides two levels of pumping stations to pressurize, the pipeline water to the mining area, the water source well and the pumping station to use the automatic control.
In a construction of water source well in Zhangzi County, Shanxi, we used available 7/9 air compressor and TB850/50 slurry pump, and foam pressurized drilling technique.
If the water you are using comes from a well or water source that is not treated with chlorine, add two drops of non-scented liquid household chlorine bleach to each gallon of water.
Carrying water from the well: the well near the field is main source of drinking water.
We believe, as a additional force source, water level of shallow well acts on the crustal rock in form of fluid loading, pore pressure and chemical erosion, which promotes the Zhangbei earthquake.
The study in this paper has the directive significance for choosing dripper discharge and interval of water dropper, as well as, designing irrigation quantity for line source drip irrigation.
Qiangwei River is the only drinking water source and the principal water supplier for industrial and agricultural purposes as well in Xinhai district.
Proposes that for central plain area using water source heat pump unit, solving the issues of irrigating well water back for different geological area must be emphasized.
This terrace was the well-head, the primal source whence beauty gushed out to water the earth.
The source(s) of water. For a given supply this could include municipal water, community well, private well, irrigation well, water course, cistern, reservoir, river, pond and lakes.
The regular operation of the heat pump system for deep well water source depends especially on the sufficient and stable supply of deep well water.
The water level regime of Liangshan 97 well in Shandong is consistent with the water level regime of Yu 01 well, it is showed that Liangshan in Shandong is the alimentation source of Yu 01 well.
山东梁山县97井水位动态与豫0 1井水位动态具有较好的一致性,表明山东梁山是豫0 1井地下水的补给源。
Creates the fertile company mainly to be engaged in the water source heat pump type central air conditioning, as well as industry afterheat recycling.
The prevention and control of agricultural non-point source pollution, as well as the protection of drinking water sources area, are also the currently hot spots of research at home and abroad.
The advanced technologies such as water source heat pump and double well reinjection used in the geothermal water heating project in the Xiong County of Hebei Province were introduced.
The advanced technologies such as water source heat pump and double well reinjection used in the geothermal water heating project in the Xiong County of Hebei Province were introduced.