Sunglint typically lends a bright, or washed out appearance to the water surface.
Sunglint is caused by sunlight reflecting off of a water surface directly towards the observer—much as light reflects from a mirror.
The Nine-Bend Corridor west of the Nine dragon Pool leads directly to the Marble boat, which resembles a dragon boat on the water surface.
The globes show sea surface height anomalies, which means places where the water surface is higher (red) or lower (blue) than average.
Astronauts orbiting the Earth frequently collect images that include sunglint, or the mirror-like reflection of sunlight off a water surface.
Variations in the roughness of the water surface scatter the light, blurring the reflection and producing the silvery sheen of a sunglint area.
Generally, the form of the splash shots consists of a drop falling towards a water surface and circular ripples extending from the point of entry.
Sunglint is caused by sunlight reflecting off the water surface-much like a mirror-directly back towards the astronaut observer on the Space Station.
This phenomenon is caused by sunlight reflecting off the water surface directly back towards the observer aboard the International Space Station (ISS).
Sunglint is caused by sunlight reflecting off the water surface - much like a mirror - directly back towards the astronaut observer on the Space Station.
But all agree that the excessive amount of moisture pumped into the atmosphere is a result of high water surface temperatures in the Mediterranean and Bay of Bengal.
Oil smoothes the water surface, making it a better mirror: more sunlight is reflected back to the observer (the satellite) at the same angle as the incoming sunlight (right).
Overall, 2010 and 2005 were 1.12 degrees Fahrenheit (0.62 Celsius) above the 20th-century average when taking a combination of land and water surface temperatures across the world, it said.
As the water evaporates, a crust of salt is left on the surface of the soil.
They patiently take care of the young whales just under the surface of the water, waiting for the feeding mothers to return.
Steam condenses to water when it touches a cold surface.
All the time, water is being evaporated from the ocean's surface by the warmth of the sun.
It's a diverse environment with water tending to be bluish near the surface and reddish deeper down.
By extracting water from the detector's chamber, the detector's surface becomes a concave hemisphere.
The plants also change shape, shrinking to minimize the surface area through which their remaining water might evaporate.
It is held there by the force of surface tension without which water would drain instantly from any wet surface, leaving it totally dry.
Other researchers go even further, suggesting that the data provide evidence for large open expanses of water on the early Martian surface.
Recently, researchers have used data collected by monitoring surface water temperatures to improve the ability of a reef to recover from bleaching.
However, more recent data imply that at least some parts of the planet did in fact experience long periods in the past during which liquid water existed on the surface.
The evaporation from the leaf surface causes a constant compensatory suction of water.
Think of wetlands as a giant sponge: the earth soaks up a lot of this water that's continually flooding the surface, which increases the amount of water below.
The greatest water storage, therefore, lies near the surface.
Hundreds of dead fish can be seen on the surface of the water because of water pollution.
In some cases, the water table reaches Earth's surface, where it is expressed as rivers, lakes and marshes.
In some cases, the water table reaches Earth's surface, where it is expressed as rivers, lakes and marshes.