The fourth Waterbird Population Estimate found that 44 percent of the 900 species globally have fallen in the past five years, while 34 percent were stable, and 17 percent rising.
在这份第四次"水鸟数目估计"调查报告中发现,在过去的五年内,在全球900种鸟类中有44% 数目在下降, 34%保持稳定, 17%在增长。
The fourth Waterbird Population Estimate found that 44 percent of the 900 species globally have fallen in the past five years, while 34 percent were stable, and 17 percent rising.
在这份第四次"水鸟数目估计"调查报告中发现,在过去的五年内,在全球900种鸟类中有44% 数目在下降, 34%保持稳定, 17%在增长。