Huangguoshu waterfall scenic spot: it is no doubt it's one of the most famous falls in China and it's the unique one you can touch from inside to outside.
Suggestions on building a power station by drawing water with pressured reducing long pipes and a electrolytic aluminum system were proposed, which had no effect on the Hukou waterfall scenic spot.
The green water, deep pool, wandering path, grotesque rocks of Wulong Gorge and the clear spring, karst cave, steep cliff and flying waterfall of Dishuihu Scenic Spot are all unique and beautiful.
The scenic spot density is higher than that of the city, and the vegetative cover and the waterfall have the biggest effect to the distribution of atmospheric anion.
The scenic spot density is higher than that of the city, and the vegetative cover and the waterfall have the biggest effect to the distribution of atmospheric anion.