The protracted episode illustrates how public health scares wax and wane.
The [protracted] episode illustrates how public health scares wax and wane.
And men, nations, doctrines, what you will, wax and wane by analogous ACTS of selection.
Beneath the heavenly sphere this solar cycle is mirrored in the lunar cycle of wax and wane and tidal ebb and flood.
Swear not by the moon, it is constantly changing, every month has wax and wane; if you swear with it, your love will be like it is.
While the ancient Europeans set the beginning of a year by measuring solar movement, my ancestors did so by observing the lunar wax and wane.
By measuring changes in the light reflected from the clouds, they found that the clouds appear to wax and wane in prevalence over a 27-day cycle.
Doctors don't know what causes chronic fatigue syndrome, characterized by debilitating fatigue and chronic pain with symptoms that can wax and wane over time.
Certainly, some of the facts at hand are valid; for example, the Maya did have a Long Count calendar, pole-shift theory does exist, and solar activity does wax and wane.
As kids move from one academic track to another, join or leave sports teams, or take up new extracurricular hobbies, the opportunities to interact with friends wax and wane.
That may be because film is so much younger than the other great art forms, which have had centuries to wane, wax, mutate and cross - pollinate.
That may be because film is so much younger than the other great art forms, which have had centuries to wane, wax, mutate and cross - pollinate.