Jingxi structural heh is the gathering place of high-waxy oil, which is exploration prospect;
Doctors think it might also help protect against infections. And the waxy oil keeps ears from getting too dry.
An experimental instrument for researching pipe flow is used to study thixotropy of waxy oil flowing in pipeline.
But it's OK, because your belly produces something called ambergris, a waxy oil that protects your insides from sharp beaks and whatnot.
Three calculation methods have been used to study waxy oil temperature drop after shutdown for both buried pipeline and overhead pipeline.
PPD makes the critical radius and the potential barrier of nucleation of wax crystal increase, and makes the separation of wax from waxy oil difficult.
In the light of the difficulty in artificial lifting of waxy oil well, high pour-point oil well and viscous oil well, a new tubing heating system is developed.
Mr Pearmain points out that Ugandan oil is waxy, and so likely to solidify in a pipeline unless heated.
The transportation cost of waxy crude oil pipeline consists of power and fuel consumption.
The paper introduces the full rheological curve of waxy. Crude oil, which has an important position in the research of rheology for crude oil.
The 100-kernel weight of different types of maize seeds from high to low in order was: dent type, high oil type, high lysine type, half-dent type, waxy type, flint type, sweet type and pop type.
Waxy crude oil presents different rheological property with different forms of wax existing in it and consequently shows different viscosity - temperature curves.
In the treatment of rheological information of waxy crude oil, the article analyzes the problems and the shortness existed in manual plotting and Newton-Raphson Method.
The viscoelasticity of waxy crude oil originates from its internal wax crystal amount and its complex wax crystal shape and structure, but the quantitative correlation between them is not established.
WA 8487 is a mixture of protein, wax and soaped oil which provides warm, oily and waxy feel.
WA 8487为蛋白、蜡和皂化油的混合物,能赋予皮身温暖油蜡质的手感。
The structure of waxy crude oil means that in the oil paraffin crystalline particles interconnect and form a kind of network which filled with the whole crude system under certain condition.
The rheology properties of Changqing waxy crude oil after different shearing action history was experimentally studied.
The crude oils exploited in our country's oilfields are mainly waxy crude oil, which have high solidification point and abnormal point and shows most complex rheology.
In this paper, the calculation of boundary value of waxy crude oil phase transformation is explained and the numerical analysis is done by example.
We has also done the experiment research on the rheology of waxy crude oil with depressant and discuss the mechanism of depressant.
Introduced arc the applications of dynamic yield stress in low temperature transportation as well as in the course of restart after shutdown of the waxy crude oil transport system.
The density, viscosity and heat capacity of waxy crude oil is changed along with the temperature drop and flow type and the flow patterns are different along the pipe during the design and operation.
The ultrasonic backscattering can be a proper para meter to reveal the crystallization of waxy crude oil.
The Position of waxy crude oil rheology was stated in the paper, which indicated that waxy crude oil rheology is an important branch of applied rheology.
Some technology issues about safely pipelining the waxy crude oil is put forward based on the actual waxy crude oil pipelining condition of the pipeline.
The results show that the rheological behaviors of waxy crude oil depend on the experiment conditions to a large extent.
The oscillation shear method is the most suitable for the viscoelasticity measurement of waxy crude oil.
The oscillation shear method is the most suitable for the viscoelasticity measurement of waxy crude oil.