Yet, now that I'm growing and the world I once knew as being so simple is becoming more complex, I find myself needing a way to escape.
About 8% said they used the Internet as a way to escape problems, and almost 14% reported they found it hard to stay away from the Internet for several days at a time.
About 8% said they used the Internet as a way to escape problems, and almost 14% reported they "found it hard to stay away from the Internet for several days at a time.
Bird Watching is a great way to escape the rat race and be one with nature.
But we noted that this bucket was not the most efficient way to escape a character.
After May 26, 1952 there was only one quite safe way to escape to the West: Berlin.
There is only one Way to escape from the natural judgment that is coming upon the world.
Finally there seems to be only one way to escape the purgatory: he has to become immortal.
As time passes, the townspeople try to figure out a way to escape while even survival becomes an issue.
Since the steam had no way to escape, the teapot exploded. The explosion cracked a mirror and broke a window.
Rats forced to swim in chilled water with no way to escape will normally become hopeless and float motionlessly.
He refuses to kill an innocent again and must find a way to escape the police without killing the priest who can identify him.
True capitalists used their financial knowledge to simply find a way to escape. They headed back to the protection of a corporation.
Many had come to feel that their existence inside the Soviet Union was untenable, that the only way to escape this paradox was to move away.
Soon enough the two lonely souls find one another and, looking for a way to escape their real-world troubles, embark on a fantasy-fuelled journey.
Since the steam had no way to escape, the teapot exploded. The explosion cracked a mirror and broke a window. The young inventor was badly scalded.
Originally, destination weddings were seen as a way to escape having a big, expensive wedding, but now most destination weddings are large and lavish.
There is no way to escape from a far-from - equilibrium situation - global deflation and depression - except by first inducing its opposite and then reducing it.
Desperate for life to be perfect again, although she realizes it never really was. Desperate for a better future, if she can find a way to escape her past.
And then the feelings come rushing back and the addict becomes even more desperate to allay those feelings again now that they have found a way to escape them.
Drawing is a healthy way to escape from everyday life. Like all other art forms, it deeply nourishes its followers by allowing them to forget the passing of time.
One client had to be in the top five scores on a Web site at which half a million people were playing," Hyken said. "They're using it as a way to escape reality."
Hot tubs and spas are a great way to escape from a hectic day - even if it's just for a half an hour. You will feel refreshed both physically and mentally in minutes.
Boys in my class were digging holes in he classroom to let fresh air in. Then they tried to dig a passage with their bare hands, and finally, I found a way to escape.
Boys in my class were digging holes in he classroom to let fresh air in. Then they tried to dig a passage with their bare hands, and finally, I found a way to escape.