The money is no different since we pay students the same amount for any of the jobs here in food service, so it's up to you.
It's all relative though, isn't it? We never had any money when I was a kid and $500 was a fortune to us.
We can buy things even if we don't take any money.
I accepted - didn't we all? - their eagerness to slap their name on any old tat for what it was: eagerness to make (even more) money.
“We don’t need any formality among us, ” Professor Dai said now, and told Siyu that she should move in at her earliest convenience instead of wasting money on rent.
'We had not one red cent in this venture,' she says. 'I would no more put any money in a project of Morton's like that than I would go to the moon.'
He reads neither business books nor case studies, and ascribes Alibaba's survival and success to the fact that he “knew nothing about technology, we didn't have a plan and we didn't have any money.”
他既不读商务书籍,也不看商业案例分析。 在他看来,阿里巴巴能够站住脚并获得成功,归根结底是因为他“对科技一无所知,没有任何计划,也没有一分资金。”
After we took some money from this guy, we decided that it is ok to go a few months in casual negative. While (Jim) Barely any cash flow.
所以当我们从这个家伙(Jim Breyer, facebool的投资人)那里得到些钱之后,我们决定有几个月可以让现金流出现负值,可是···(jim)基本上可以说没什么现金流。
Short of confiscating her birthday money, is there any way we can hope to discourage this?
Of course we require him to pay us back for these damages, but he falls so far into debt that he never has any money and stops caring about it.
But we thought, especially with family members, we are more interested in developing applications that could actually help people rather than trying to make any money out of this.
We also looked at any money actresses might have earned from perfume and clothing lines and from AD campaigns.
The management might say, well what do you mean we didn't lose any money this year?
He won't take any money from me so we came up with a compromise: I hire his car whenever I need a ride to or from the airport.
It is at our mother's knee that we got our noblest and truest and highest ideals, but there is seldom any money in them.
It tis at our mother's knee that we acquire our noblest and truest and highest, but there is seldom any money in them.
Therefore, I still advocate that all of us should keep some money at any time so that we will not be too difficult in our rainy day.
The cooperation with content producers is interesting, though we wonder if a single AdSense unit on the site will really make newspapers any money.
Because we didn't have any money at all. And later, when we got some muscles, we started to develop our annual presence at CeBit in Germany starting from 96.
Well, now they're doing well and we didn't even have to spend any extra money on them, either.
Well, now they're doing well and we didn't even have to spend any extra money on them, either.