That sounds pretty terrible, but the loss of life has decreased by a factor of 10 simply because we are getting better at warning people.
That sounds pretty terrible, but the loss of life has decreased by a factor of 10, simply because we are getting better at warning people.
Sunshine in the afternoon can always blow away all the bothers. That is why we are getting better.
"We are getting better and we are getting worse at the same time," Paul Auster, the novelist, told me.
“我们在变得更好,同时也在变得更糟,”小说家保罗·奥斯特(Paul Auster)告诉我。
In this environment I know I can show my qualities. As a team we are getting better but we need time too.
Perhaps, after all, we are getting better faster than we are getting worse, and barriers will continue to fall — but not through words alone.
The message to come out of this study is that potentially hazardous asteroids are out there and we are getting better at identifying which known asteroids pose the greater risk.
We avoid crime not because we are better people but because we see getting caught as a future-wrecking disaster.
We are taught to believe that only by going to the best schools and getting the best grades can we escape the rat race and build a better future.
But we are getting amazing feedback, and its clear that it will be such a better product in the long term.
"We are getting this with less incentives, better pricing, higher transaction prices," he said.
Online options are getting better every day, but we can't quite always access everything we need on a computer straight from the cloud.
We are always interested in getting to know our readers a bit better, so today we have added a new poll about how often you go to China.
Our trading results are getting better, but we are still hesitating in executing our rules.
I'm working on getting stronger so I can compete with the other big men in the league like Shaq and Dwight Howard, and as a team we are just working on getting better.
This is a crucial point, because meditation is not about changing who we are, or becoming better people, or even about getting rid of destructive habits.
Our mission is to completely delight and satisfy our guests. We are committed to making a difference every day; continually getting better to keep us the best.
We may be getting far more sunlight, breathing fresher air, living in better buildings and leading far better lives than we are today.
At this moment, defensively we are playing better because some players are getting routines of the position.
"We are getting this with less incentives better pricing higher transaction prices" he said.
Time is short and unfortunately we are all getting older. There may never be a better time than now to have a meaningful conversation with your parent or parents.
Therefore, at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, in everything we say and do, we are learning. We are getting to know ourselves better, developing our characters, and cultivating our precepts.
I said that we really are trying, and that we're getting better at it all the time.
We can make life better for those people who are at risk of getting HIV or who are living with the virus.
We desire perfection that is impossible and are obsessed with getting better instead of with God's forgiveness.
Our trading results are getting better, but we are still hesitating in executing our rules.
We have become rich. Now we are living in new buildings and our life is getting better and better.
You'd think the human race would have sleep down to a science by now, but many of us are still sleeping poorly (and so we need top 10 guides to getting better sleep).
You'd think the human race would have sleep down to a science by now, but many of us are still sleeping poorly (and so we need top 10 guides to getting better sleep).