We assume they are more or less Scandinavian—a gentle people who just want everyone to have the same amount of everything.
They are just pretty patterns. We like them in the same way that we like pretty curtain material.
We all are just regular people seeking the same thing — we all just want to know that we matter.
Here, however, we are seeing that just a photo of one's significant other can have the same effect.
We can walk, we can talk, we have needs just like everyone else - don't be afraid of us - we are all the same!
In a world where search phrases are getting longer and we all see a different SERP for the same phrases due to personalized search, rankings should just be a KPI.
Ok, so that's the same kind of setup as we had last time, except now we are not just looking for minima and maxima.
"We are all on the same side," he said. "Just trying to get over the line."
If we just looked at the total transaction counts from December and March, we see roughly the same counts, even though there are almost twice as many active users from December to March.
Because we are just jumping into the same function, the return address and old % ebp will be the same and the stack size won't change.
You might say, "Well what's wrong with calling it Zeus Olympus? We all know these are just different names given to the same god anyway, there's just one supreme God."
First, let's navigate to the Six Revisions website so we are all working with the same example (just open it in a new TAB or browser window).
OK, so just to write things, so here we change u and x that are the same thing.
Some people are born to have special feelings about the same gender guy, we should understand them, give them space, they are just ordinary people.
It is really unfair. Why can't we climb at the same time? Just because we are boys, and she is girl?
Oddly, we are never taught these rules, and most of us just stick to the same old unconscious (bad) habits.
We are of the same generation after all and our hearts used to be just as pure. But why have they become what they are now?
Living without a soul is like a walking dead, we are just wasting the time and repeating the same day until we die.
You see, successful people are human just like you and me. They have to face the same fears and excuses we all do.
Actually, the Internet business of China and even world is used change also just a few years 10, accordingly we are not what old-timer, should say to be in same on the scratch line.
We also read this forum and others just to make sure players are experiencing the same thing we're seeing.
Let's play videos and machinima are already a pretty huge part of community culture for our existing games, so we really just wanted to provide a tool that would support and encourage the same.
They've looked the same evidence we've seen, and they are looking for the same outcome, they just want to be sure what we are doing in their view is going to achieve it.
They've looked the same evidence we've seen, and they are looking for the same outcome, they just want to be sure what we are doing in their view is going to achieve it.