"Toy Story 3" won animated film and original song for Randy Newman's "We Belong Together."
《玩具总动员3》收获最佳动画长片和最佳原创歌曲(兰迪·纽曼We Belong Toge ther)两项大奖。
Randy Newman, a winner for his song “We Belong Together, ” from “Toy Story 3, ” saidhe really didn’t want to bore the audience with gratitude.
兰迪·纽曼(Randy Newman)因《玩具总动员3》中的歌曲《我们属于彼此(We Belong Together)》而获奖。他说他真的不想用太多感谢让观众们厌烦。
As long as we pull together, success must belong to us.
We seek to create interfaces that are functionally cohesive, a set of operations that belong together because of their function.
We seek to create interfaces that are functionally cohesive, a set of operations that belong together because of their function.