We have to explain that we can do all the work in the other jurisdictions but not in Brazil.
What we can do is to try using the classical description of the atom, and see where this takes us.
I believe there are many things that we can do to make life in our town a lot better for teenagers.
One of the most important things the program plans to do is to remind us of what we can do to protect ourselves.
We will have to make the turbines robust because the sea is a hostile environment, but all the signs that we can do it are good.
We have no chance of competing against machines on frequent high-volume tasks, but there are things we can do that machines cannot.
At the end of an iteration of work, we always look back at how we did and figure out what we can do differently next time to improve.
If we could figure out how to improve the efficiency with which we use energy, we can do a lot more work with the energy that is available.
It is also the reason why when we try to describe music with words, all we can do is articulate our reactions to it, and not grasp music itself.
They believe that the best we can do is keep it at a reasonable level, and at present the only serious option for doing this is cutting back on our carbon emissions.
As constant travelers and parents of a 2-year-old, we sometimes fantasize about how much work we can do when one of us gets on a plane, undistracted by phones, friends, or movies.
I think there is a broad consciousness in the Valley that we can do better than to leave thousands of our neighbors behind through a period of extraordinary success," San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo said.
There's nothing we can do about it. We'll just have to grin and bear it.
We'll just have to wait and see—there's nothing we can do at the moment.
As visitors, the least we can do is be civil to the people in their own land.
Let's think about what we can do to save sperm whales.
Thanks to the Internet, we can do all our shopping at home.
We should think about how we can do it better next time.
We can do sports there, such as playing football and playing table tennis.
Tomorrow is Earth Day. Let's discuss what we can do to recycle things.
The best thing we can do is to continue to work towards our goals.
If we can do these, we will make the world a better place to live in.
As middle school students, we should start thinking about what we can do for our country in the future.
Let's see what we can do with some magic but the magic glue worked only on Chen Hui's cup.
"It's from the restaurant below. It's very expensive to eat there, but we can do the next best thing," answered Charlie.
We can do this if each person works fewer hours per week.
If we cherish every minute and learn to gather them, we can do a great thing in one minute.
On which we can do some interesting things.
We can do the numbers on what the retrofit costs.
Dan wants to upgrade us, so we can do our own part.