You may be the only younger one in your year, but, you know, we have a lot of after-school activities you can join in.
And we need to know that the document can list multiple persons (but nothing will go wrong if there is only one, who can be referred to as either addressbook.person or addressbook.person [0]).
而且我们需要知道该文档可以列出多人(但是,如果只有一个人,他可以作为addressbook . person或addressbook . person[0]来引用,那样也不会发生错误)。
Not only this but-as one of the only few ways we can clearly communicate the potential value of targeting a certain phrase-this can be a great motivator to clients.
For example, if the application can be rejected only on the ground that one of the applicants is a minor, we obviously should perform that check before ordering his or her credit report.
As we try to find chemical stimulants for desire and arousal one of the puzzle mysteries is how to weave a chemical feeling into a human response that can only be appropriate in some contexts.
The author, Henry Miller once said “Every moment is a golden one for him who has the vision to recognise it as such.” The only moment in which we can truly be happy is the present moment.
You can also create one-way operations that can be used with asynchronous invocations, but for now, we are only creating a simple synchronous request.
This implies that two heads may be better than one, but only when we can competently discuss our different perspectives.
In the end only one thing can be certain: we enter into relationships and risk loving someone because all of the joy and the agony leads us to a greater sense of self.
On the one hand, online education not only can save time so that we can do more other things, but also can be convenient for our daily life and study.
We can be much more effective if we spend our time and focused energy sharpening one knife, and move on to another knife only when the first one has reached its desired outcome.
When we get the most stuck in life is when we believe that the one thing we did learn is the only thing that can be learned.
We just lost our third engine, but please be assured we can fly with only one.
We do have a slide projector, the price is... yuan for one day, but it can only be used within our hotel.
But what if such a being were one day to turn around and love us back? We can only be shocked.
If one of these values can only be placed into one cell in a specific row, then we have found a solution for that cell.
Our deeper yearnings and longings can be met only by a renewed fellowship with the One in whose image we were created, God.
We both agree that there can be only one sane policy to preserve our precious civilization in this modern age: a nuclear war cannot win and must never fight.
But this of course, as we know, is only one of the ways in which Milton's power, or what Woolf thinks of as his leadership, can be thought of.
When we liken the 'key' to 'resolution' and the 'lock' to 'difficulty or problem', then one key can be for one lock only.
If men only knew what can be had with just one tear, they would be better loved and we should ruin fewer of them.
We wanted to write a brief letter to remind the market in China that legitimate EAW products can only be obtained through one source, SANECORE AUDIO, Ltd.
There is only one wish realisable on the earth; only one thing that can be perfectly attained: Death. And from a variety of circumstances we have no one to tell us whether it be worth attaining.
There is only one wish realisable on the earth; only one thing that can be perfectly attained: Death. And from a variety of circumstances we have no one to tell us whether it be worth attaining.