If we do not recognize this, it is because we are ignoring the undercurrent of Our Lord's teaching.
"We do not recognize them and we have informed all the oil companies that these contracts have no standing," al-Shahristani said.
But it is true that they so seldom smile that when they do we do not recognize their face, so distorted it is from the fixed mask we take for granted.
We fail to understand art and the essence of art if we do not recognize it as merely an overflow of physical and mental energy, free and unhampered and existing for its own sake.
We often do not even recognize the actual thoughts, or self-talk, that is escalating the physical and emotional reaction to whatever is happening around us.
Now, I am not suggesting that we don't need some form of market analysis or methodology to define opportunities and allow us to recognize them; we certainly do.
And yet, if we do not create home structures for ourselves, we risk exile that we do not even recognize as banishment.
As we do everything withinour power to prevent these dangers, we also recognize that we will not be ableto deter or prevent every single threat.
As we do not accept nor recognize the arbitration case, it is irrelevant to us as for when the result will come out.
It is important so that our own prejudices, biases, and leanings do not taint the relationships, and furthermore, that we recognize our strengths and weaknesses.
The Course does not ask us not to judge, but rather to recognize the judgments we do make, including the judgment against ourselves for judging.
In the middle of the dizzy modern life, however, we even do not recognize what we are losing, without which we regret a lot.
Recognize that what we are really talking about is changing the thinking of every person in the company. This is not a quick or easy thing to do.
However, if the source is not and you become a manager in place before, then we must recognize employees were hurt feelings, but do not favor any party.
We need to recognize that we do not do enough in helping our patients manage their weight to prevent glycemic deterioration.
If your parents, teachers, and friends do not believe your essay captures who you are or what you believe, surely we will be unable to recognize what is most distinctive about you.
If your parents, teachers, and friends do not believe your essay captures who you are or what you believe, surely we will be unable to recognize what is most distinctive about you.