If we proceed further, there are forms which say they conform to psychoanalysis and, if we go all the way to the end of the spectrum, those which call themselves psychoanalysis.
We have a long way to go, but I believe the surge has worked on all fronts.
China and the UK are signatories to CEDAW (Convention to Eliminate All Discrimination Against Women) and but we still have a long way to go to ultimately achieve this goal.
Despite all of the fanfare, when we come back to reality, the tablet computer still has a long way to go before it can replace the laptop or netbook for most people and here are 5 reasons why.
So much of our life again if it is all in control, what happens when something doesn't go the way we have planned.
And all of those long notes are coming on the downbeat so that's how we start to hear that as a downbeat and that's how we know to make our hand go down at that point so that's one way.
We didn't go all the way offline.
And in fact today, right now, we're going to move back the furthest we go, all the way into the nineteenth century to talk about the early Yeats.
"I think we would all go that way under the same circumstances," says Paul. "I think we're all driven by greed." Quietly but firmly, Rachel says: "I disagree."
Only in this way/ through these ways/ when all measures go into action can we …/ can the problem of … be solved in near future.
只有这样/ 只有当所有的措施付诸于行动的时候,我们才能…/问题才能够在不久的将来得以解决。
And unlike n, l can start all the way down at 0, and it increases by integer value, so we go 1, 2, 3, and all the way up.
We will have to go all the way back to 1908 to see the next highest turnout level of 66 percent.
1960年的投票率达到64%,我们看来也会达到这个水平。 要是投票率更高的话,那我们就要一直回到1908年,那次选举的投票率达到66%。
If it snows, we do not hold an umbrella, go all the way, is not to be a way to white.
We still have a long way to go to solve all the problems concerning the Yangtze River.
Because of the sin nature we inherited from Adam and Eve, we were all born with a want-to to go our own way and disobey God.
We still have a long way to go to solve all the problems in regard to the Yangtze River.
Our submarines go forward with all strength, suddenly violent flutter. The Dai silk calls a way:"We dropped into strange eddy and had been already held firmly! ".
We still have a long way to go to solve all the problems concerning the pollution.
We're all still devastated for Fletch, but hopefully we can win it and go some way to making him a bit happier about the situation.
We all thirst for the love of others, that they go out of their way to avoid harming us and do good to us.
"We all do different things," he said. "We all bring different aspects to the game. Either way you go, you can't lose."
"We all do different things," he said. "We all bring different aspects to the game. Either way you go, you can't lose."